On Taurida told how to shoot film on phone

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Morning of the third educational day on Change of young figures of animation and the film industry of a name Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov began

about a trend session on a subject "A chamber in a pocket. Everyone can shoot film? ".

the director of the movie "Tsar bird", the winner of MMKF-2018 Novikov Edouard, the Russian director and the screenwriter Anton Megerdichev, the director of animation cinema, the head of a workshop the VGIK Yaremenko Helena, the Russian writer, the publicist and the translator known under the creative pseudonym "senior operative of Goblin", Puchkov Dimitri, the Soviet and Russian film director, the national actor Russian Federation, the art director of a film studio "Fate" Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel, the Russian musical producer, the composer, the poetess, the screenwriter and the director, the owner and the general producer LLC "YELENA KIPER PUBLISHING I PRODUCTION" Helena Kiper.

before discussion the head of department of maintenance of cultural projects Roskulttsentra, the content producer of a forum Artemyeva Xenia and the specialist expert in the direction of cinema and theater Roskulttsentra, the curator of the third change Zhelvakova Asya presented to

the new project of the Center of support of youth creative initiatives – the first "A national youth film award". It is a bright event for young figures of cinema and animation. The award purpose – identification and advance of young and talented people in the Russian cinema.

can Become nominees of an award citizens Russian Federation aged from 18 till 30 years, being authors (coauthors) of fiction and animation films. Works which will be removed within change on Taurida, automatically become participants of this project. Order taking term for all comers will last till September 1, the final of an award will take place on October 27, 2018 in Moscow.

Itself a trend session began with question discussion: whether it is possible to remove decent work on a cell phone camera.

"Need to inspire in itself that the good idea can be shot with phone. I think that not far off that time when telephone quality will be made even to the picture of the professional equipment. Any producer even if it is removed on the most primitive equipment" can pick up talented idea, – Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel shared.

Having agreed with the previous opinion, Helena Kiper recommended at first to get acquainted with the concept "catharsis". Also she advised present to shoot film every week, to be engaged in search of keys to a profession: "If you will find the cinema, can safely go with this prototype to the producer. If you reached heart of the ordinary person, go to big cinema".

Further speakers paid attention of audience to a problem of involvement of the mass viewer at cinema.

"Regardless of time it is always interesting to

to look, first, about people, secondly, interesting stories about people" , – Puchkov Dimitri


Anton Megerdichev added that presently there is a concept "content" which became much in this connection it becomes difficult to watch everything and there is a choice problem: "The report mechanism to the viewer is important. The public changes. For example, if at cinema start viewing of the Soviet classics, the elite" will go only.

Continuing a subject, Novikov Edouard told about young directors to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, removing in the Yakut language that pleases to public which with pleasure goes on such movies.

Georgy Ivanov from Borovichi took an interest in

Ivanov Georgy to take place in a profession is necessary. Speakers met in need of the academic knowledge.

"I have no corresponding educations, but it is necessary" , – Anton Megerdichev "Yes, it is necessary for

to seize craft. The nobility how to work with actors and to build stage settings. Also there is a way of practical training. If you shoot 20 movies with phone, you will better remove" , – Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel added.

Dmitry Puchkov told

Puchkov Dimitri Elena Yaremenko expressed to

Yaremenko Helena.

the Representative of the Saratov delegation Larionov Bogdan asked

experts about development a comedy genre in the future.

"In my opinion, the good director can make any cinema, including the comedy. For example, the movie was watched "Bitterly" by all country" , – Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel designated.

"The comedy brings to

the greatest number of money. Many modern directors work over creation of qualitative comedies, sooner or later at us it will turn out to create worthy cinema in this genre" , – Anton Megerdichev Merdichev told.

this year the forum takes place

in 6 changes in which more than 3 000 young architects, cinematographers, poets, actors, directors, musicians, volunteers and managers will take part in the culture and art sphere from all regions Russian Federation. The main event for creative youth will come to the end on August 31.

Organizers of the All-Russian youth educational forum "Taurida" of 2018 is Roskulttsentr with support of Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.