The technical academy State corporation "Rosatom" trains foreign experts of the nuclear industry
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The technical academy of Rosatom trains foreign experts of the nuclear industry

B it more than 100 representatives of 13 countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Hungary, Egypt, Zambia, Nigeria, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, South Africa) and Russian Federation took part.

Following the results of seminar work representatives of foreign and Russian higher education institutions joint efforts developed models of road maps of the cooperation aimed at assistance in development of system of nuclear educations in the partner countries. Results will allow to provide harmonization of offers of the Russian side in education area with needs of the partners who have followed a way of developments of nuclear technologies.

Within the International seminar the ceremony of signing of the cooperation agreement between AUTONOMOUS NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION FOR FURTHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "TEKHNICHESKAYA ACADEMY ROSATOMA" and the Tashkent chemical institute of technology (Uzbekistan) took place. In support of the key directions of the Russian-Uzbek cooperation in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes the Tashkent chemical institute of technology together with Technical academy State corporation "Rosatom", State corporation "Rosatom" on support of developments nuclear infrastructure of the countries beginners in cooperation from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), through this agreement created a basis for joint activity in the field of training and carrying out researches in nuclear science and technologies, focused on creation of steady system of peace use of nuclear energy and developments infrastructures in Uzbekistan.

of Spravochno:

the International seminar is organized by

within the project of State corporation "Rosatom" "International cooperation in the sphere of nuclear educations". The project is realized from 2017 to 2021 and is aimed at assistance to creation and development national system of nuclear educations the partner countries with use of the Russian educational technologies, implementation of obligations State corporation "Rosatom" in the field of training of foreign citizens, ensuring creation of necessary educational infrastructure for training of the partner countries, promoting of the Russian engineering nuclear educations and the Russian technologies abroad, ensuring development and controls behind execution of plans of training of the partner countries. AUTONOMOUS NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION FOR FURTHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "TEKHNICHESKAYA ACADEMY ROSATOMA" within this project is the center of consolidation of offers of the Russian organizations working in the field of nuclear educations, for the purpose of assistance in formation of national system of nuclear educations in the partner countries and supports of cooperation of the Russian and foreign higher education institutions in interests of national nuclear programs.

the Seminar became continuation carried out on the basis of NOU DPO "Rosatom TsIPK State corporation "Rosatom"" in 2017 of the International conference "Training for the nuclear industry: new calls during a globalization era". On its results the platform for cooperation between representatives of system of the highest educations and the industries of the partner countries, the international organizations working in the field of nuclear power, and Russian Federation was created. It is urged to promote a transfer of knowledge, capacity-building, interuniversity cooperation and realization of joint educational programs with universities of the partner countries in support of foreign projects of State corporation "Rosatom".
Russian Federation and Uzbekistan began cooperation in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes after signing of the intergovernmental cooperation agreement in December, 2017.