Staff Ministry of Health: When falling the passenger plane in Mexico 18 people suffered

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as a result of crash of the plane of companies Aeromexico in the Mexican staff State of Durango got wounds 18 people, two are in critical condition. Such data were published in Twitter by staff Ministry of Health. Thus representatives of emergency services declared information agency "Reuters" about 85 victims.
at the time of accident in the plane were 101 persons among which there were 97 passengers and four crew members, are reported in the official statement of airline.
the Preliminary reason of crash weather was called
are reported in Twitter to OMA Aeropuertos operating the airports in this region. Besides, in connection with incident company made the decision to close air space over the airport State of Durango.
Earlier the governor of staff State of Durango José Aispuro reported that victims as a result of incident are not present.
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