Day of a field – 2018: harvesting in Republic of Bashkortostan is opened by zone seminars

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Put fields – 2018: harvesting in Republic of Bashkortostan zone seminars
Landowners Republic of Bashkortostan started harvesting. In all five climatic zones of the republic pass the zone seminars dated for the beginning of large-scale work.

So, on July 24 in Kirgiz-Miyaki district on the basis of GUSP of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" "Central" took place the region's first zone seminar meeting "Day of a field". Heads and specialists of agricultural enterprises of 14 regions of the Preural steppe zone took part in it.

the Deputy prime minister of Government RB – the Minister of Agriculture of the region Ilshat Fazrakhmanov, opened action, in the performance noted that today agricultural producers need to develop processing and production storage, and also logistics and export.

Within a seminar also acted the head of administration Kirgiz-Miyaki district Aktuganov Rishat, the head of the Bashkir branch of Open joint-stock company "Rossiysky Selskokhozyaystvenny bank" Aleksey Sveshnikov, general director Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" the "Central" Nasyrov Ildar, the director of LLC "RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CENTER "SELEKTSII I AGROTEKHNOLOGY" Tuev Daniila, the chief of the department Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance on RB Petrov Youri.

After carrying out official part was given start to harvest works.

passed on July 27 "Day of a field" in Baymak district. The Deputy Prime Minister Ilshat Fazrakhmanov. Topical issues of seasonal field works in Zauralye representatives discussed MINISTRY FOR AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN, chiefs, the chief agronomists and engineers of managements (departments) of agriculture, heads of farms.

Zone seminars in Republic of Bashkortostan will come to the end on August 7.

Ilshat Fazrakhmanov
Last position: The minister is the Deputy prime minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan (MINISTRY FOR AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN)
Rishat Aktuganov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Miyaki of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Samsonov Aleksey
Nasyrov Ildar
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