On a trip on Mongolia Russians were overtaken by failure

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Looking for the steppe will cross — the Mongolian saying so says, and Russians say, what to a mad dog and kilometer not a hook? So the correspondent of Russian information agency "Deyta.ru" decided to execute to Mongolia the program at most.

Put 7. We strongly were late and left from Ulan-Bator at night, and only to the 5th morning reached Darkhan. It is the third largest city Mongolia, inhabitants about 70 thousand. The city building was carried out in the sixties with financial support of the Soviet government. As the city is located near border with Russian Federation, in it lives a large number of Russians.


By tradition, Namkhay decided to show us to the friend. To us it was curious as the Mongolian apartment looks. But what our surprise when it appeared that it more Russified, than any Russian apartment was. On a wall at Itgelt and his family the carpet as in old kind in the USSR, on the TV there are nested dolls and not simply one, and all in a row, and also a vase with rye ears hangs. With Mongolian his name is translated as "belief". The young man lived to Russian Federation some years, and he, and his family well speak Russian, and mother very much loves our country and therefore honors the Russian customs and traditions. We came on a visit to Itgelt when the family went to orthodox church for a morning prayer.

It appeared

that our new hospitable friend skillfully plays the guitar and a synthesizer, he taught Namkhaya to play musical instruments. We together sang some Russian songs, have breakfast and were photographed, and after his family returned. We hurried on the lake as next day we needed to cross border Mongolia and Russian Federation. All had further plans. However it was simply impossible to hurry Namkhaya, such haste is alien to Mongols. The person sluggish, sedate – in their concept the respectable person, and taken, hasty and prompt – is worthy any regret.


Probably for this reason to us it was necessary to change several times for all trip the burst wheel.

On the area Mongolia is on the 18th place among all countries of the world, in 4 days we overcame about 4000 kilometers and estimated its sizes. Territorially the country shares on 21 aimag or area. "Emik" is the capital of area. Each aimag shares on units which are often interpreted as areas. In the following on the way the area, to us failure overtook, punctured a wheel at what spare, and to the next shinomontazhka there were more than 100 kilometers. We with Namkhayem right there "caught" the car with people who with ease agreed to help us, and even distributed on a water bottle to our ladies who remained to wait in the steppe.


Went long, bought a wheel and caught one more car which appeared a taxi. Behind the person who very much helped us sat. It brought us to shop and told that it belongs to his friend therefore can take itself something free, and then brought us to a dining room at Ministry on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response of Mongolia. Us fed and even allowed to take with itself food for our three girlfriends. It appeared that it works in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, periodically comes to Russian Federation for a professional exchange therefore and well understands Russian, but speaks badly.

After the wife of his friend brought us three together with the new tire to the main route. We caught the car and went to rescue our ladies. Owners of the car too understood me Russian, it is a pity only that I almost had no voice, it was necessary pokhripyvat through pain. Generally, some days later to Mongolia, I already could understand on a context about what Mongols as some words are borrowed from Russian speak.


we Returned to ladies four hours later, during this time they already managed to work yoga, resembled with tracking sticks, sunbathed and even slept so Namkhayu was not necessary takes the wheel, it was replaced by Zhenya. Having thanked all Mongols for the help, we took Mchsnik with ourselves. He road drew all that we went with it to his friends, repeating some words which knew in Russian: shower, shish kebabs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, 10 minutes. But we did not have also these ten minutes, is expensive to Lake Khubsugul long, especially if to it to add the Mongolian slowness and hospitality. We brought our new friend there where he asked, and bought buuzy and hushuury in roadside cafe.

the Following part of a way represented boundless open spaces, we did not see such beauty never in life, even Russian Altay on beauty cannot be compared to that Mongolia conceals in itself. I had a feeling that we were rejected in the past and we saw the primitive nature. Thousands of animals wandered on open, green and not limited pastures, from slopes of hills the rivers flew, and the sky was pure and clear. Colourings at cows, horses, sheep and goats happen very unusual, there are a wish to consider this beauty again and again. Murazhki ran on a body and to a throat the lump rose, all this looks very much impressively. After all they several times have more than beasts, than people in the country. Over all country grow up about 50 million cattle. If it is figure to divide into all inhabitants of the country, to turn out more than on 20 pieces of cattle on the person! Namkhay could pull out a hand from a window of the car and slap a horse that that left from roads. After all everything animals consider these boundless open spaces as the and often come to road that can be dangerous, both to drivers, and for cattle. Several times we saw the brought-down lambs, and the silliest, according to Space, goats are, even warning signals in any way do not help to drive away these animals from the automobile route.

Mongolia with

All this beauty were supplemented by the Mongolian songs in which and footfall of horse hoofs, melodiousness and expanse is heard. By the way, on our favourite disk with songs of Namkhay drew a horse that it could be found easier. We crossed the longest bridge to Mongolia through the river "Egingoz", saw a large number of ritual stones which are called "auva" and near our friends – "byrgyty", that is eagles flied.

Population density of the country — one of the lowest in the world also makes


according to Namkhaya, in Ulan-Bator all know each other, in this regard try not to extend about the former passions to new friends and acquaintances. The surprising situation for the city with more, than the million population, at us such usually in small towns occurs. To the city of Murun, the largest near Lake Khubsugul, we reached by late evening. There lives the friend Namkhaya with the family, he skillfully does any products of a tree, showed the works and invited to the house where treated with meat of a groundhog, I for the first time saw that on a plate small pads lay and vegans will forgive me.

One of the main qualities of meat tarbagana – a high fat content. The amount of internal and hypodermic fat in a carcass can reach 10-20% of lump. Because of it meat of this small animal belongs to the heavy – for his normal digestion and full assimilation the organism should spend a lot of energy. I felt it at once, meat very heavy. However it has ability to increase body temperature. product experts recommend to use this surely at long stay on cold. And on the street became "oh as it is cold", we got thermolinen from bags and pulled on myself all warm things that at us were. They say that meat of a groundhog, but has a large amount of useful properties also other party of a medal. Is groundhogs dangerously, they are carriers of diseases dangerous to the person, it is possible to catch from a sting and from meat, groundhogs represent the plague tank. So to you to decide to take the risk or not, it is considered that at good processing this meat is not dangerous.

After we got acquainted with the sister Namkhaya, which to it at all not the sister, and the close girlfriend. Mongols of all close people call brothers and sisters. Us brought to a holiday camp, there was a night and we did not decide to put tent on the bank of the cold lake, especially as lodge cost for three the ridiculous. Tomorrow you learn how passed our acquaintance to Lake Khubsugul, what surprise to us brought Space and what koumiss on taste.

of Expenditure for today: 800-1000 tugriks – one buuza in roadside cafes to Mongolia, 1000 tugriks – the Mongolian cheburek or hushuur, 1000 tugriks – entrance on paid road, 20000 tugriks – wheel purchase, 30000 tugriks – night in a tourist lodge, entrance to the reserve - 300 tugriks.

Aleksandra Chistik