To Kirov Region the camp for disabled people opened

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in the settlement Kilmez on the bank of Vyatka opened on July 25 the "Vyatka — the Territory of Equal Opportunities" festival.
the Trial campaign on catamarans inspired his initiators on holding a festival. Photo: Charity fund "Naslediye Vyatki"

Within five days people of different age with limited opportunities on health will lead full-fledged life of the sports tourist. To sleep in tent, is at a fire, to compete in races on kayaks and catamarans, on local slopes will test climbing equipment.


the Initiator of the unusual project Charity fund "Naslediye Vyatki", the presidential grant a little more than one million rubles in size which has got on these purposes acted. About 800 thousand more rubles provided fund and philanthropists. On these money are bought kayaks, catamarans, equipment. Administration Kilmez district Kirov region, supported idea, allocated all necessary for life in camp - tents, sleeping bags, a field kitchen, toilets.


of Kilmez for holding a festival it is chosen not casually: local disabled people passed recently through the river on a catamaran, and it so it was pleasant to them that the campaign laid the foundation to a present festival with the invitation of physically disabled people already from all region. Preliminary applications for participation in a festival were submitted by more than 100 people. Transport for them to Kilmezi was allocated by regional administrations.

- our task - not to reveal in competitions of the strongest though competitions too are provided that it was more interesting and to allow people to try an unusual role, - the director of fund Gurtov Pawel speaks. - Many owing to the health are not able to afford to leave at least in the wood to walk, to cook food on a fire, to live in tent. And here all this is, safety up to that the territory of camp is processed from pincers is thus most ensured. That people were convinced that it everything is available to them that there was a new interest in life.

Within the project in May there took place educational and training collecting with representatives more than ten areas to fulfill everything on a place. They showed that the idea of a festival is completely justified. Participants of collecting were delighted: they for the first time tested climbing equipment, rose uphill, floated on a catamaran.

- the Decision to go for the first time on an alloy me was given to

, the chairman of office remembers ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF DISABLED PEOPLE Kilmez district. - How I will cope with all this? Especially I am not able to swim. And returned from there absolutely other person. It is possible to tell, the horizons opened. And after that it was alloyed already many times. Not to describe impression at all as far as it is healthy. Last year our team visited a festival to Republic of Bashkortostan, we returned from there the simply inspired. That's when the idea to place the order for a grant and to organize a similar festival at us was born. Such festivals for people on health literally work wonders with restrictions. When in the organization the first time addressed to us Fatykhov Rinat, it hardly moved, and before in general long time lay with a heavy trauma. But after an alloy became absolutely other person. Now it goes without cane, became our "regular" photographer, shoots movies about alloys of disabled people and places them on Internet. Literally began to lead new life. There are also other similar cases. Also it is a remarkable example for other disabled people. The main thing - not to be afraid, force itself. And then absolutely new prospects will open.

Krom actually a festival organizers prepared for physically disabled people five water not category hikes on kayaks and catamarans. The first already passed from July 16 to July 17. The others are planned for August: with 4 on 5, with 10 on 12, with 17 on 19 and with 24 on 26.

- We decided not to be limited to a festival even if further it becomes annual, - Gurtov Pawel speaks. - Also decided to expand its framework at the expense of such campaigns. That physically disabled people could sweep on the river, stop ashore, set up camp. That the whole adventure was.


Charity fund "Naslediye Vyatki":


: (8332) 32-13-33, 8-912-360-73-34.<"35>"

http://heritage-vyatki.rf .

A as at neighbors?

UROO "BLAGO" holds on recreation facility "Russia" the III All-Russian festival on bochcha. Today winners in personal, pair and command superiority will be defined. To argue for titles of the best bochchist on the coast of Kama there arrived 65 wheelchair-using athletes from eight regions Russian Federation ". This year the festival underwent a number of changes. We toughened rules of selection of participants, put age restriction: now perspective athletes aged from 16 till 45 years which are ready to develop this sport in the territories will be able to show the skill in bochcha. Also we carried out a series of judicial seminars to train colleagues from regions in all nuances of game", - Oleg Ivanovich Bochkarev, the head of the Blago organization told.

For the reference: bochcha - a Paralympic sport, excellent opportunity for communication, a way of socialization of disabled people. The game essence - to arrange the balls is closer to dzhek-bolu (to the white - a target ball), than the rival. This sport netravmatichen, and they can be engaged at any age. Develops accuracy, coordination, strategy, and also psychological stability. In some countries bochcha it is included in the program of school lessons for physical preparation.
