The prosecutor of the region Kostantin Konstantin Nikolaevich Bukreev held coordination meeting of heads of law enforcement agencies. Prosecutor's office of Samara region

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Today, on July 26, 2018, a subject of meeting became a question of a condition of work of law enforcement agencies of the region on counteraction to illegal financial operations.

heads of regional law enforcement agencies, their responsible officials took part In work of meeting, and also invited: the head Interregional administration office Federal Service for Financial Monitoring on Volga Federal District Tsyganov Victor, the head of Department of the federal tax service on Samara region Vikhrov Alexander, the deputy manager of office on Samara Region Volga-Vyatka head department Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) Frolov Maxime, the head of Department of federal bailiff service on Samara region - the chief bailiff Muratov Zakir, the president of NPSO Nikolaeva Galina, representatives of arbitration courts and vessels the general jurisdiction.

the Prosecutor of the region Konstantin Nikolaevich Bukreev noted that new technologies and active counteraction of the state to financial crimes promoted growth of popularity of non-cash payment. So, since 2013 the volume of cashing in of money decreased from 860 billion to 7 billion rubles in the region.

by data Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) joint efforts were succeeded to reach decrease in the amount of doubtful operations on cashing in of money more than twice and reductions by 7,5 times of the sum of the funds transferred abroad.

Such result became possible due to the consolidated approach. Work of each body was transformed to the uniform mechanism, consecutive, system and timely control, directed on suppression of illegal financial operations, since a stage of detection of so-called "obnalny" schemes before adjudgement was organized.

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Counteraction to illegal financial operations for the last years remains to one of priority activities law-enforcement and supervisory authorities, supervising activity of prosecutor's offices areas.

Such approach promotes timely development of new methods of counteraction to illegal financial operations and the solution of problems, arising in law-enforcement practice.

Following the results of coordination meeting made the decisions considering everything of the proposal of its participants on increase of efficiency of this work.

