In Altai Territory police officers condemned for tortures of detainees by the stun gun

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Tretiyakovo district district court Altai territory pronounced a sentence to the ex-deputy chief and the operative of office of police "Zmeinogorsky". The former police officers found guilty of excess of powers of office with application of violence and special means to detainees.


As it was established in court, in October, 2015 in police office on Tretiyakovo district three locals were delivered. Villagers suspected of bag theft with grain at the farmer. However they refused to admit the guilt. Then police officers started them torturing. Villagers chained in handcuffs, beat stun guns, put on the head gas masks and blocked air. Tortures did not stop even after suspects admitted theft.

- After that them continued to torture in order that they took the fault in commission of other similar crimes, - the representative of SU of Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation across Altai Territory Ryazantseva Ludmila reported website "Rossiyskaya gazeta".

in police office "Zmeinogorsky" knew Of tortures in Department of the Federal security service of the Russian Federation on Altai Territory. On operational materials brought criminal case. Police officers did not admit the guilt, however court considered it completely proved.

of the Former police officers sentenced to seven and six years of imprisonment in a standard regime penal colony. In addition them deprived of ranks and the right to hold positions in law enforcement agencies for a period of two years.