Participants of round-the-world aviaexpedition interrupted flight across Canada because of bad weather

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on July 25, 2018, website "Aviation EXplorer" – Participants of aviaexpedition "The international round-the-world oceanic flight" were compelled to interrupt travel across Canadian Arctic because of bad weather and a number of household problems. The head of expedition reported information agency "ITAR-TASS" Tokarev Valery ". Today we did not take off [from Cambridge-beat (The territory of Nunavut)] because of a bad weather forecast", - it transferred. Members of group planned to reach on Tuesday the Inuit settlement Hall-Bich (The territory of Nunavut), but, by words Tokarev Valery, besides bad weather arose and still some household difficulties." There now there are no hotel reservations, and the situation with fuel purchase" is not absolutely clear, Tokarev Valery reported. Pilots hope to continue flight across Canada on Wednesday. On Monday Tokarev Valery reported that members of expedition are in the settlement Inuvik (Canadian Territory of Northwest Territories) where arrived in the evening on July 21 from State of Alaska. Every other day they reached to Cambridge-beat. The head of group also added that pilots intend to make flight across Canada in four-five days, and then to go to Greenland. The Arctic expedition "The international round-the-world oceanic flight" started on July 3 from Samara Region. Unique amphibians of the Russian productions are involved in flight - two LA-8 (eight seats, gross weight of freight - to 2,6 tons) and one "Boreas" (two seats, gross weight of freight - to 700 kg). As a part of present expedition seven people - six Russians and one Frenchman. The head - the space pilot Geroy of Russia Tokarev Valery, the research supervisor - the astronaut-researcher, Hera Soviet Union, the corresponding member RAN Atkov Oleg. The only foreign participant of flight - the pilot of hydroaviation Loick Blez. Route more than 20 thousand long. the km lies through Russian Federation, the American state State of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland. Then expedition through Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Cheboksary will return to Samara Region. About 50 stops and landings are on the way planned. Main objective of travel - carrying out various climatic and medicobiological researches, Earth sounding from small heights and development of future routes of aviation tourism on the Russian North.