"Northern windows" confirmed environmental friendliness at the international level

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"Northern windows" became the first and only for today the window company to Russian Federation which passed ecological certification of window productions and became the owner of the international marking "A life leaf".

of the Photo Shumeyko Maria

"A life leaf" - the Russian system of voluntary ecological certification of production, works and services on their life cycle, recognized by the international expert community. Confirmation of compliance of goods and services to requirements of environmental standards within the Life Leaf program is carried out on the basis of the analysis of all stages of life cycle – from raw materials production before utilization.


the Owner of the enterprise Belyaeva Tatyana told

– mother having many children who is bringing up three children, and for it their health is very important.


- I pay much attention to what my children eat, subjects and Wednesday which surround them are how safe. I bear for it responsibility, - the director noticed. - Also I bear responsibility for safety the employees. For them comfortable working conditions are created, and for our consumers we try to let out qualitative energy saving and safe windows for life and a door. It was big incentive and moved me as the head of productions, to support global idea - ecological certification of productions and production on life cycle.

According to her, a special role in this process partners - boards from companies played "profine RUS" which is the supplier of profile systems. They passed this certification even earlier and as Belyaeva Tatyana speaks, "infected with the example, helped to believe in itself".

- to us like to be the first in the branch. So, in due time we the first in the republic opened MGO - shop of ready standard windows and doors from profile PVC at wholesale prices. Also we the first certified a thermo double-glazed window with two low-issue glasses, having increased energy saving properties of the products. Now we the first in Russian Federation from the window companies passed certification of productions at the international level, - she noted.


carried out enormous work to confirm that fact that company "Northern windows" lets out safe for the population and environment energy saving production, does not do harm the activity, works only with the checked suppliers of qualitative raw materials, looks for and finds recycling ways. For short term it was necessary to collect more than 90 supporting documents.

Certification were carried out by NP "Ekologichesky soyuz". "Ekosoyuz" had rigid requirements to legislation observance on labor protection, on environmental protection, industrial and fire safety, to initial raw materials and components, the maintenance of secondary raw materials, the content of heavy metals in plasticity, to ensuring quality and safety production, productions to production and the address with waste on production, to informing of employees and consumers.


did not do and without difficulties. First, it was in a short space of time necessary to prepare a big package of documents. The second complexity consisted in absence in the territory Komi Republic productions which could accept plastic waste for processing. As a result agreed with colleagues - company "profine RUS" which is in Voskresensk Moscow Region. Thus there was a question who will transport this waste. Komi Republic, practically was analysed 40 companies one had no license for transportation of waste of the fourth class. As a result found the Kirov company is an expensive service which is almost unprofitable for companies.

- the Production company "Northern windows" successfully passed certification after our supplier of "profine RUS". Having passed this way, we proved, what even small production from the remote place Russian Federation can let out available and safe ecoproduction for the population. We hope to become an example for other enterprises of our republic where the most part of the territory is occupied by the wild nature, and the care of environment is very important, - general director emphasized companies.

It also noted that the prices of eco-friendly windows and doors from PVC with the low-emissivity glass, let out by "Northern windows", remain competitive to analogs - usual windows and the doors presented in the market Komi Republic.


- the Consumer receives benefit, acquiring at our companies ecogoods, safe for the person and environment, and thus without overpaying, - Belyaeva Tatyana noticed.

Special gratitude the director expressed

"profine RUS" which is the leading partner of a brand "Northern windows", the supplier of ecologically safe PVC profile for window and door blocks, and also the Syktyvkar LLC "Geoinforesurs", "The ecological union" and others who gave support in process of preparation for certification.

the Chairman of the board of the ecological union Gordyshevsky Semen in the video greeting marked out with

decided to be certified on marking". It means that the idea of certification extends and touches the increasing number of people.

- Certainly, for companies it was difficult. Here the main thing - motivation. We are glad that we had a new partner who realizes problems and undertakes additional efforts, begins education of the consumers that is very important, - he noticed.

By preparation for certification "Northern windows" involved

noticed that for it was big surprise what exactly its professional activity became a subject of the relations with company.


- Now not so often the academic science interacts with business. Once Belyaeva Tatyana asked, than we are engaged in the offices? I would answer this question so: scientists try to provide mankind progress. But it not only task. Task of scientists still to make so that this aspiration to progress did not destroy our planet, kept a human civilization. And it is very pleasant that company "Northern windows" appeared in this noble cause our adherents. I hope that their example will be an example for many other companies, - noticed the scientist.

the Representative "Geoinforesursa" Kolegov Mikhail noticed that it company already helps "Northern windows" to resolve long ago all issues on environmental protection and the relations with controlling government bodies.


- Negative impact on environment of this of companies quite insignificant, and that it is more pleasant to see what the persistence and meticulousness are given by the management of companies to questions of decrease in this negative influence. Certification was very logical, correct step. We are grateful that you chose us as the assistants, - Kolegov Mikhail emphasized.

the Technical director of companies "profine RUS" Khofmann Bernkhard paid attention that "Northern windows" is their first partner to Russian Federation who received the corresponding certification.


- 18 years the concert of "profine" works as

certification is the obligatory requirement. "Profine" possesses certain competences of this question, within the last two years we supported our partner, the production company "Northern windows" in this question by carrying out a number of technical audits to bring compliance of quality of production to high standards Europe. I thank the management of companies for persistence which was enclosed for achievement of the purpose, - the guest from Germany noticed.

Shumeyko Maria
Belyaeva Tatyana
Gordyshevsky Semen
Shamrikova Helena
Kolegov Mikhail