"Mummies the Troll" showed the widest range of the discography on "A Slavic market"

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the Group "Mummies the Troll" finished a ten-day marathon of the Slavic Market festival a concert in the Summer amphitheater Vitebsk on July 18, 2018.

All 2017 "Mummies the Troll" celebrated the 20 anniversary of a sign album "Sea". The plate was played at concerts entirely, except for couple of bonuses. In parallel musicians represented on performances on one of tracks from each number disk. And several months ago the group let out an album "East X Northwest". So in Vitebsk Ilya Lagutenko and companions was faced by almost excessive task to capture all these three layers.

as a whole, "Mummies the Troll" coped with a task excellent, but some positions inevitably were left in the basket. From albums "Merge and absorption" and "Amba" it was not played any song. From "Sea" "Speed" and "Heat time" did not sound "A cat of a cat (Here and all love)". Representation "the East X the Northwest" was limited to four compositions.

Ilya Lagutenko appeared before Vitebsk public in the same image, as on a cover of the last disk - in a wide-brimmed hat and an elegant long raincoat. The concert started from "UFO". Then "Mummies the Troll" presented quite impressive block of songs from "Sea". The video series beat an album cover: in a black circle there were various images, like an eye and the Moon.

After composition "Diamonds" Ilya Lagutenko left an album "Caviar" for a scene, having left the musicians to play instrumental, and returned already without hat. Having executed "My singer", he decided to state the concept of the performance before local public:

- For the first time in the history we are on "A Slavic market"! Therefore we would like to present the widest range of the discography for all these years. At last, it happened – and here the song "Fantasy"!

during execution "Otv. for romanticism" participants "Mummies of the Troll" played a scene: musicians not movably stiffened, and Pungin Oleg, having jumped out because of a drum set, ran up to the guitarist and the bass player to correct their poses on more heroic. As for Ilya Lagutenko, the drummer pointed to it by theatrical gesture and pathetically exclaimed:

- It was responsible for romanticism!

"Having removed a spell", musicians issued the most vigorous songs of the program – "The alien guest", "Bride", "The carnival is not present", "Vladivostok 2000" and "Medveditsa".

- We always with pride welcome Vitebsk and Belarus as a whole from coast of the Pacific Ocean, - Ilya Lagutenko "preceded Vladivostok 2000".

On the introduction to "Medveditsa" Ilya Lagutenko and Pungin Oleg made castling. The song musicians, by tradition, entrusted to execute to the audience. In the first couplet any girl got a microphone, and in the second – to the guy who allowed false start, than deserved Ilya Lagutenko:

- Early still.

"It not love" and "Dolphins" were played by

encore. And the phrase "to me it is not important" from the last induced Ilya Lagutenko to present each participant of group. Telling the names, he was not tired to emphasize that "to all of us it is very much important". Farewell "Honeysuckle" was decorated by a mantroobrazny spell "whispers the northwest, the East is silent", the said Ilya Lagutenko uncountable quantity of times.

Stupnikov Denise, InterMedia