The ex-head of Charity foundation of development micro business demands justice: it told the names of the persons involved in corruption schemes in UKK

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The ex-head of Charity foundation of development of micro business demands justice: it told the names of the persons involved in corruption schemes in UKK

Arminfo's . The ex-chairman of the Charity foundation of development created in 2000 micro businesses Vardanyan Gagik today, on July 20, during press conferences brought up the question concerning corruption schemes in UKK.

, - were emphasized by him.

Before passing to the history, Vardanyan Gagik noted that the time assets of fund exceeded $30 million, in 16 which branches about 270 employees worked. Help was given about 20 thousand to needing families on all territory Armenia. Moreover Fund, being the charitable organization which is not pursuing the aims of receiving arrived, entered the list of 300 largest taxpayers Armenia. - Vardanyan Gagik stated.

According to him when the organization in 10 years of the activity to Armenia reached unprecedented results, in particular, international recognition, the Fund appeared the former authorities. - Vardanyan Gagik continued. In 2009, by order of Minfin RA as the ex-head of Fund noted, groundless checks began. - he explained.

from the chief consultant of the Ministry of Finance Davtyan Ayk as Vardanyan Gagik notes, were made attempts to convince to dismiss members of council of Fund which is the high-ranking governing body of the organization to appoint people. - he emphasized. Vardanyan Gagik did not go to the set conditions then the act from the Ministry of Finance where concerning Fund the penalty of 1.5 billion dramov was exposed followed. - he told. Further, according to the ex-chairman, with mediation of the Ministry of Finance, in business was it is involved Special committee of inquiry which brought charge where to Vardanyan Gagik threatened from 4 to 8 years of imprisonment.

During the same period received the invitation to conversation from Arutr Dzhavadyan (chapter Central bank RepublicsArmenia - the Edition) regarding a question of change of members of council in which besides the above-designated persons were involved the public prosecutor Ovsepyan Agvan and the chairman Kassatsionnogo of vessels Mkrtumyan Arman. Further Vardanyan Gagik quotes the acting chairman Central bank RepublicsArmenia: . - Vardanyan Gagik emphasized.

After, according to the story Vardanyan Gagik, were invited members of council whom presented with a fait accompli - in case do not leave the of a position, against them similar charge will be brought. - he emphasized, having noted that into new team entered Vardan Aramyan (the ex-head of Minfin RA, and earlier zamministr this department - the Edition) which was appointed the chairman of this Council, members of council became the first deputy chairman of Chess federation Lputyan Smbat, also the deputy of Chess federation Gevorgyan Gagik after which there were new members - Garibyan Sona - the department head internal audits Minfin RA and the deputy of KGD - Barsegyan Tigran.

Thus, having received carte blanche, Central bank RepublicsArmenia very quickly, in 2010, on behalf of Fund registers UKK which director appoint Vardanyan Gagik. people, because of the reason of lack of bases, the criminal case brought in my relation in special committee of inquiry, stop>, - he emphasized.

However, duties of the director were strictly limited. - he explained. In particular, about 300 million dramov were simply presented to fund, etc. After, according to Varadanyan, the offer to replace a post of the director with a position of the member of council was sounded. .

In view of current situation in March, 2017 Vardanyan Gagik appealed to court the first instance, however was refused. - he told. Vardanyan Gagik noted that his only requirement - to give the chance to restore this microfinancial institution which, according to him, wallowed in corruptions, bad management that in turn led to decrease in all indicators. - he concluded.

we Will note

, aimed at decrease in level of poverty. Within 10 years the fund in every possible way supported micro and small businessmen, farmers, women and the most vulnerable sectors of society.