It is expensive to life. In Malmyzh the paid bridge deprived of inhabitants of access to medical aid, education and work

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Part of inhabitants Malmyzh district Kirov Region was cut off by

from a civilization after construction of the paid bridge. People who have no 600 rubles to pay for moving on the right coast of Vyatka where the regional center settles down, remain without work, grants, the help of doctors and access to state services. Why road lives turned into a way for the elite and that with it local authorities are going to do, Russian information agency "FederalPress" understood.

Replacement to the ferry

Thanks to the Vyatka River Malmyzh district Kirov Region is divided by

into two parts. In the right-bank there is a regional center, in the left-bank there live nearly 4 thousand more people – generally state employees, the former employees of agricultural enterprises and pensioners. Till 2014 inhabitants of a left bank reached a civilization by means of a ferry. After the carrier lost the license, a crossing closed.

It was decided to replace a crossing with the bridge. But as at area, and the area on its construction of money was not, the Nizhny Novgorod investor was attracted. LLC "Tekhnopolis" promised to build the pontoon bridge for 150 million rubles and to pass on it people for a small payment, and the regional authorities – to bring roads on both sides of the bridge into a normal state. In 2014 the long-awaited bridge opened and the private crossing near the village Chase was a part of federal highways Kazan – Perm. Officials, as usual, did not keep the promise.


In the first days using the bridge was free. However driving through it became paid already soon – 200 rubles from the automobile car. Locals were dissatisfied with the price, but appeared in a desperate situation – pass of pedestrians on the bridge was forbidden by rules of safety. In 2015 fare again grew – the trip to both parties began to cost to inhabitants already 600 rubles, to trucks – 2 thousand rubles. Veterans and having many children at first were given privileges, but soon cancelled. According to locals, the owner of the bridge considered trips of mothers of families and elderly too frequent and advised to stay at home.

B had "to stay at home" 2015 not only to exempts, but also all other inhabitants of a left bank – recently built bridge left under water. JSC Tekhnopolis Bridge LLC "Tekhnopolis" soon restored, and here could not return financial stability any more. Debts of companies reached 85 million rubles, and in the summer of 2016 Arbitration court of Nizhny Novgorod region recognized company as the bankrupt. At first the competitive managing director tried to solve problems of the enterprise, then auctions which were several times transferred were appointed.

New owners

Till summer of 2018 the bridge near the village Chase functioned in a normal mode, but in June the situation started developing according to the scenario of the criminal movie of the 90th years. To Malmyzh there arrived some inhabitants Republic of Tatarstan who declared that bought part of the bridge and are going to return property to lawful possession.

At area administration authenticity of contracts purchase and sale raised doubts, but court anything strange in this history did not see and imposed a ban on a right of use of the bridge. Bailiffs excited executive production, but driving through the bridge did not decide to close. After that new owners blocked the bridge for eight days, having cut off inhabitants of a left bank from the outside world. It was succeeded to open the bridge again only after cancellation of the solution of vessels.


However such outcome of history does not please locals as the fare on the bridge is very heavy for the majority of them. Besides, the position of municipal authority causes questions.

The other day in social networks video on which chapter Malmyzh district Konstantinov Valery does not allow inhabitants to pass on other coast extended. For which reason officials do not want to lift a barrier if the part of people is ready to pay, not clearly. On video the head of the area threatens to dump cars from the bridge, and on questions of one of inhabitants the reasons of blocking declares: "It not your business, you in general anybody! ".

However, later the administration of the area distributed in Internet video in which Konstantinov Valery declares that charges to local government are groundless, after all "anybody except them did not rise in defense of people".

"We addressed in law enforcement agencies, in prosecutor's office, police. They did not take measures, and we informed all bodies of area, the envoy to Volga Federal District and appealed to court. Measures were removed. They barricaded the bridge, and we removed, – the head of the area speaks in the address. – Now we work in a normal mode. It would be desirable to punish people who blocked the bridge, without having on that any lawful bases. I regard it as a crime. We also will hold further on control this object. Nobody had the right to close the bridge because it is social object, object of life support".

Not alternative, but paid


At all levels of the power declare that the bridge near the village Chase is social object, and it is valid so. According to locals to reach Malmyzh, passing the paid bridge, it is possible only on the bypass road 160 kilometers long. But road nobody repairs this therefore in the fall and in the spring it often becomes impassable for cars. As a result inhabitants who have no 600 rubles on a trip "to the world", cannot get to the regional center.

Moreover, inhabitants declare that lose the right even on medical care. Last year the Kirov mass media reported that on a private crossing demand money for journey even from the staff of emergency services therefore the fast cannot reach patients. But there is more to come: on the left coast is not present not only works, but also bank terminals, specialized shops, Internet and mobile communication badly works.

Inhabitants of the area complain that asked for the help all: from the public prosecutor to the president, but the help did not receive. Both officials, and local authorities declared that to influence formation of fare not in forces. Inhabitants are sure that the bridge paid off long ago, and businessmen simply profit on others grief.


"Salary and pensions of locals do not exceed the minimum wage rate, and not to find it funds for moving, – inhabitants write to petitions to President of the Russian Federation. – We have many unemployed who are not registered in the employment center because it is necessary to go to Malmyzh, and the minimum grant makes 850 rubles. Spending it for road to the regional center, inhabitants automatically appear below the poverty line. Our children are deprived of opportunity to go to the regional center, to take part in all actions of regional scale. For us the bridge is a road lives".

While the bridge works with

in a regular mode, but nobody can give guarantees that raider capture will not repeat again. Now the administration of the area tries to achieve from law enforcement agencies of accountability of persons which blocked the bridge. But from it it is not easier for inhabitants. Fare, despite promises both regional, and the regional authorities, remains former. Moreover, in general there is no guarantee that the bridge will work further – it demands expensive repairs on which carrying out neither at the present owner, nor at municipality, at area of money is not present.

the Regional authorities promise

that LLC "Tekhnopolis" will join in a solution after carrying out auctions on realization of property. When they will be appointed – it is not known. The last meeting of creditors took place on July 12, but on it the decision on sale of property was not made.

"A question of further operation of this bridge and establishment of preferential payment for inhabitants of a left bank Malmyzh district for driving through it to solve

with his owner who will be defined after property sale", – reported in Ministry of transport Kirov Region.

of the Photo: Municipal state institution municipal entity administration Malmyzh municipal district of the Kirov region, / Gabdelkhakova Vasilya, pablik "For the bridge through Vyatka" / Kurbanov Insaf