To the citizen helped to return to the hometown

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K Commissioner for Human Rights in Khabarovsk edge addressed the citizen Z. – the inhabitant of Nikolaevsk-na-Amure who worked with a shift method in Okhotsk Khabarovsk Territory.

the Applicant could not return to the hometown after the end of watch, because of lack of money.


As it was established by employees of the device of the Representative as a result of telephone conversation with the applicant, the man after the end of watch on money received from the employer, got a plane ticket on a route Okhotsk – Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, but could not take off for the appointed time as it was landed from the plane.

the Reason of removal from flight became alcoholic intoxication of the man.

After removal of the shift worker from flight, it was delivered in office of police for further trial where on the violator protocol about an administrative offense was made. Also it was subjected to administrative detention of two days.

Should noting that provisions Federal law of the Russian Federation of 19 March 1997 No. 60-FZ "On the Air Code of the Russian Federation" provided the termination at the initiative of a carrier of action of contracts air transportation of the passenger, in case of violation of rules of behavior by it onboard the aircraft, safety creating threat flight or threat of life or to health of other persons (part 1 articles 107 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 19 March 1997 No. 60-FZ "On the Air Code of the Russian Federation") .

it is important to

to remember that one of the main objectives of crew — ensuring safety flight. The drunk passenger, certainly, constitutes danger to people around, for as can be landed from the plane. It is necessary to remember it, coming aboard the plane that it as a result did not depart without you.

it is unconditional, the citizen Z. it did not agree with actions of staff of airline and law enforcement agencies. However, having checked circumstances of the incident, by employees of the device of the Representative it was established that all procedures, including for the room of the man under administrative detention, were observed.

After the termination of term of administrative detention to the inhabitant Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, on own fault remained in Okhotsk, it was necessary to resolve independently a return issue home. Thus money on implementation of this action at it were absent.

Relatives of the man living in Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, could not give it help in plane ticket acquisition, for the same reason – there was no money.

First who responded to an appeal of the Representative to help the shift worker, became Administration of the municipal district Okhotsk of the Khabarovsk Territory which employees found for the employer of the man. That, in turn, found for the already former employee a place for temporary residence to the solution of a question on its departure in Nikolaevsk-na-Amure.

it is important to

to tell that a question with a departure of the citizen Z. from Okhotsk back, to the hometown, it was settled by area administration with airline quickly enough. On Monday the man already was at home.

the Representative thanks all who helped the unlucky inhabitant of Nikolaevsk-na-Amure and took part in his return home.