In Graund Hodynka gallery will play on termenvokse

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In Graund Hodynka gallery will play on termenvokse In Graund Hodynka gallery which is located on Irina Levchenko Street near the Airport, Oxford news concert will take place on July 25. Guests will be addressed by the musical teacher, the performer who has become world-famous thanks to masterly game on termenvokse, Kavina Lydia. About it reported in the cultural institution press service.

— Together with Kavina Lydia her colleagues will step on the stage — Letov Sergei (wind instruments), Borisov Aleksey (electronics), Kitlyar Vladimir (termenvoks) — the representative of the press service noted.

Kavina Lydia started studying the unusual tool in nine years, and five years later gave the first concert. Performance laid the foundation to musical career which totals thousands theatrical, radio - and television performances worldwide.

the Concert will begin

at 20.30. Address: Irina Levchenko St., 2. The cost of the ticket is 300 rubles. Phone for references: 8 (499) 198-76-84. (mu)

Lydia Kavina
Main activity:Cultural worker
Letov Sergei
Borisov Aleksey
Kitlyar Vladimir