For landowners can establish preferential power tariffs?

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the bill, suggesting to provide one more measure of support of agricultural producers is introduced In State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Changes are offered to be made to article 6 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2006 No. 264-FZ "On the Development of Agriculture" in which the measures applied to realization of the state agrarian policy are listed. They are offered to be added with possibility of establishment "reduced rates for energy resources, sale which (holiday) is carried out at regulated prices (tariffs)".

As are explained by the author of the bill, the question of power tariffs is actual for landowners as in structure of expenses the enterprise ̆ costs of energy resources make a considerable share. "Often unprofitability of farms is connected with the high prices of energy resources. Many agricultural enterprises work at a profitability side, trying to reduce consumption of energy resources in damage of the basic of productions" — is spoken in the explanatory note.

In materials to the bill it is noted by

that tariffs for the electric power for agricultural enterprises "are often two-three times higher, than for industrial the enterprise ̆ the same region". "High power tariffs noticeably increase prime cost of agricultural products. Actually it influences the final price of domestic products food for consumers, reducing their competitiveness in comparison with import goods that artificially constrains development agricultural branch" — initiators of the bill specify.

the Question of introduction of preferential power tariffs for landowners rises in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation any more for the first time. So, deputies of the previous convocation addressed to the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev with a request to work this question. As told the vice-president of committee of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on agrarian questions Nadezhda Shkolkina, for example, to Yaroslavl Region agricultural enterprises pay for one kilowatt of the electric power of 5,7 rub, whereas the industrial enterprise which is in the same territory — 2,5 rub. To Sverdlovsk Region — 5,2 and 2,2 rub respectively, in Kurgan — 6,1 and 2,5 rub, in Kursk — 5,6 and 2,5 rub


is offered to provide the size of privileges for landowners, in the bill it is not specified. Also in it it is not spoken what sources of financings a new measure of support will be, thus the economic justification says that adoption of the bill will not entail additional expenses from means federal budgets.

according to the head of the center of competences of agrarian and industrial complex of companies KPMG Sheremet Vitaly, support in part of power tariffs would be useful to separate sectors of agrarian and industrial complex. So, hothouse production strongly depends on electric power cost where this factor is important competitive advantage. "For hothouse productions electric power cost — it, in fact, the largest variable component of prime cost. The difference in tariffs which various producers pay, can differ on tens percent" — Sheremet Vitaly specifies. Support of hothouse economy regarding energy consumption would make the Russian production more competitive in comparison with import analogs and more available to the mass consumer who is very sensitive to a price factor.

prepared Federal state-financed institution "Spetstsentruchet v agro-industrial complex" on materials by