The mayor "plays Smolensk with fire"

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to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sovarenko suggested to return to a framework of the law and to think about safety residents of Smolensk

Smolensk, on July 13 . The deputy envoy of president to Central Federal District Atyukova Olga declared need of execution by the mayor Smolensk Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sovarenko lawful obligations regarding preparation of the city for a heating season and relationship with Public joint-stock company "Kvadra-Generiruyushchaya Kompaniya".

knew Of it during working visit Atyukova Olga to Smolensk the day before within which passed meeting on questions of Household management company.

" I Suggest to return to a framework of the law and further within the law to carry out everything. Who that did not make — these are your personal, internal economic disputes, and that is necessary according to the legislation, be so kind as, execute! " — so the deputy envoy formulated tasks before the mayor Smolensk, having noted before it that it did not execute an order of the president Vladimir Putin on transfer of Municipal unitary enterprise "Smolenskteploset" to the private operator on the basis of the concession agreement.

Also Atyukova Olga emphasized that without scheme of a heat supply Smolensk the city authorities at all have no right to work.

" That with the heat supply scheme? You understand, what it is objects of the increased danger? You are responsible for the population of the city " — she reminded the mayor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sovarenko and asked the prosecutor Smolensk Region Polonsky Eugenie to check financial streams in inefficient MUPAKH Smolensk .

general director Present at meeting "Public joint-stock company "Kvadra-Generiruyushchaya Kompaniya"" Sazonov Semen noted that in Smolensk, in fact, is absent the staticized scheme of a heat supply as concerning the resolution adopted by the city hall on its updating representation of prosecutor's offices about discrepancy to the current legislation is taken out.

Sazonov Semen explained that in the circumstances development energy industry Smolensk was conducted according to the tripartite Agreement, but the city authorities did not fulfill the assumed obligations :

"I will remind

to Ya that in 2014-2015, unfortunately, the picture in the territory of Smolensk was extremely unattractive. After signing in 2016 of the agreement between Public joint-stock company "Kvadra-Generiruyushchaya Kompaniya", Regional administration and Smolensk, in return, I can establish the fact of performance of its conditions. If to compare with 2016 when we put in a network of 128 million rubles, after signing of the agreement and understanding of where we move, what purposes before themselves we set, in 2017 Public joint-stock company "Kvadra-Generiruyushchaya Kompaniya" mastered 285 million rubles by preparation for winter. The plan for 2018 — 331 million rubles. I tell it only about thermal networks. Total amount of investments of companies in a thermal complex Smolensk in 2018 will make more than 750 million rubles. Therefore, in return we will execute those program actions which were coordinated with Regional administration and we will make the city ready for the winter ".

Also general director "Public joint-stock company "Kvadra-Generiruyushchaya Kompaniya"" told

about disagreements which Smolensk arise between power engineering specialists and the city hall:

" Taking into account that at the scheme of a heat supply there is Municipal unitary enterprise "Smolenskteploset", we with colleagues tried to offer the services and to agree about in common to analyse activity of this MUPA, to understand its efficiency, to look, in what today at its main problems, to help to solve in common them. Unfortunately, we could not construct dialogue with City administration and did not see construct in the matter. The municipal unitary enterprise — is such "a black hole" and absolutely unclear zone. That there occurs, we do not know, and we cannot guarantee today quality of a heat supply ".

Summing up the result of discussion of questions of preparation Smolensk to a heating season, Atyukova Olga asked the governor Alexey Ostrovsky to take preparation for winter on special control.

" Anyway, for everything that occurs in the region, the governor answers. It is impossible to violate the rights of citizens. It is impossible! Therefore I ask you preparation of Smolensk by winter to take on special control " — the deputy envoy of president summarized.

text: Zhdanov Nicholas

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 692
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sovarenko
Main activity:Official
Alexey Ostrovsky
Main activity:Politician
Olga Atyukova
Last position: Deputy plenipotentiary (Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Northwestern Federal District)
Eugenie Polonsky
Main activity:Official
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Regional administration
Government Agency
City administration
Government Agency