Lipetsk nurseries of camp became experimental platforms
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In Lipetsk Region appeared the first experimental platform among the organizations of rest and improvement of children.

Coordination council concerning activity of experimental platforms "The federal institute of developments educations" issued the order on assignment of the status of an experimental platform of federal institution to the regional Center of developments children's rest and to its structural divisions - the children's country recreation camps "Fir-tree", "Seagull", "Curved seashore", "Olympus" and "Birch".

- This order informs and confirms change of the status of your organization. You joined now professional developing community – your establishment entered experimental activity. It means that you should be among the advanced organizations! We wait from you for the active work, interesting researches, creative opening – all for the benefit of our children and their developments! S. A. Koval noted the senior research associate of the Center of socialization, education and informal educations FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "FIRO".

Within three years (2018 - 2020) children's rest on the basis of children's country camps experimental work on the subject "Development and Approbation of Effective Models and Techniques of the Organization of Rest and Improvement of Children" within the concept of a profiling of country camps realized since 2018 "Renovation meanings" is necessary to the center of developments.

Need of development of new effective models and techniques of the organization of rest and improvement for all categories of children, including for children with special educational needs, became obvious in connection with revaluation of the basic scientific-theoretical provisions put in the concept of educations.

A taking into account inclusive approach in the organizations of vacation developing rest, management of a children's recreation camp becomes strategic, directed on association of external and internal resources, involvement of social partners, thereby increasing efficiency of carried-out educational, educational and social and pedagogical activity.

of All for the beginning of year according to the official site of FIRO to Russian Federation 1080 organizations have the status of experimental platforms which Russian Federation work in all federal districts and 63 subjects. So far Lipetsk Region was presented by one experimental platform.