Kurgan officials of 8 years illegally burned garbage on spontaneous dumps

@Pravda UrFO
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Po to the requirement Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare court obliged Administration Makushino district to legalize and bring into a standard state the range for utilization of solid municipal waste. Term is taken away till July 1, 2020.

As were established by supervising department, in 2010 in the area the platform under range construction was defined. Under these purposes the site the former svinootkormochny base in 5 km from the center Makushino was chosen. However still the territory is not issued as appropriate. Utilization here is made with violation of sanitary standards. In particular, burning of waste is applied.

the garbage is taken out by

of All on 7 different dumps any of which is not registered as the range. Platforms are located in the settlement the Record and Chebaki's villages, Steppe, Big Kureyny, Baskovsky, Trebushinny, Cranberry. In the territory of the city also there is no officially issued range, the press service of department of Management of Directorate of the federal service for supervision v sfere zashchity prav potrebiteley i blagopoluchiya cheloveka po Kurgan region in Petukhovo district, Makushino district, Chastoozerie district reports.

the Makushinsky district court satisfied with

Makushino district district court Kurgan region supervising department and recognized inaction of local officials. Administration Makushino district obliged to take the measures directed on utilization, processing of household and industrial wastes till July 1, 2020.

the Municipality is obliged to organize utilization and processing of household industrial wastes, to define a place for primary collecting TBO on lands of the area, to receive the sanitary and epidemiologic decision on the chosen site, and also to develop the municipal program for a question of the address with waste. Municipal state institution administration of the Makushino district of the Kurgan region the penalty of 10 thousand rubles is written out.

of the Photo: s16.stc.all.kpcdn.net