Near Kurgan found a skeleton in bellows

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BARROW, on July 10, expert information channel "UralPolit.Ru". Investigators ask for help in an identification of the lost.

To Kurgan Region – Kurgan was found

in a route Yekaterinburg

Now investigators try to identify the personality of the lost. While it is not known, whether she was killed or was lost for any other reason. Investigators ask for the help the population and everything who knows something about the incident, asks to address in Kargapolsky interdistrict investigation department to the address: genitive. Kargapolye, st. of Kalinin, 39 or by phones: 8 (35256) 2-28-09, 89638635309.<"9>"

Special signs: on the top jaw on the right metal crown of 3-6 teeth, at the left similar crown of 5-6 teeth.

© Medvedeva Xenia