The comment of Department of information and the press Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation about efiopo-eritreysky summit

@MID Rossii
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in Asmara took place on July 8 the efiopo-eritreysky summit first for 20 years. During negotiations of President Gosudarstva Eritrea Isayyas Afevorki and the Prime minister of the Federal Democratic Republic Ethiopia Abiyya Ahmed were discussed prospects of the termination of long-term opposition of two countries, restoration of diplomatic relations, trade and economic and humanitarian cooperation, including interaction in the field of a sea cargo transportation, start of direct aircraft service, adjustment of telecommunication.

B Moscow welcome the renewal of the direct efiopo-eritreysky contacts which has become possible thanks to good will of leaders of both states. Russian Federation consistently supported overcoming existing between Addis Ababa and Asmara disagreements by exclusively peaceful means, a way of purposeful political and diplomatic efforts on search of mutually acceptable outcomes.


Are convinced that the fastest normalization of the efiopo-eritreysky relations is equitable to radical interests of the people of these countries, will promote creation of the atmosphere of neighborliness between them, becomes an important factor of strengthening of stability and safety near the Horn of Africa, will well be reflected in the general political atmosphere in this part of the African continent, deepening regional economic integrations.