When children on vacation, and teachers on holidays

@Rajonnye budni
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When children on vacation, and teachers on holidays Now children's school of arts in Kimovsk (Tula Region) plunged into silence. Naturally, after all pupils went on vacation, and their teachers – in holiday. However life in this establishment of additional educations did not stand. From time to time in its walls passes events of cultural life of the small homeland. For example, on Friday passed review competition KTOSOV "Songs of the small homeland". And still here with might and main there is a preparation by new academic year, including repair rooms and improvement of the adjacent territory. According to the director of DShI Gracheva Alla , the set of offices, a concert hall are repaired, new offices are constructed, dismantle of an old fence is made, and soon about school there will be a new protection. – For it there is a wish to express huge gratitude to our sponsors and faithful assistants who meet halfway, help us with repair – without them our school would not be such beautiful and well-planned! – Gracheva Alla speaks. – Among those whom we can designate our friends, Podshibyakin Petr , Nicholas Vinyukov, Dremenkov Eugenie Fedorovich, Bokatuev Yvan , Babayan Rena . Thanks to them we carry out annual repair offices, the new huge congratulatory banner in a concert hall is established, the new street protection will be soon built. Also we are helped actively by administration of our area. Thanks to it we put new asphalt, street lighting about school is restored. Varakhtina Tatyana

Nicholas Vinyukov
Main activity:Official
Gracheva Alla
Podshibyakin Petr
Dremenkov Eugenie Fedorovich
Bokatuev Yvan