DECADE celebrated in a circle of friends

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the Devoted reader knows

of the newspaper.
Annually, on the first of July, the writing fraternity prepares festive number, in
which in detail describe editorial everyday life, achievements
a publication, a contribution of each employee to his prosperity. And
it becomes not to flaunt progress of "WB", and with one
only the purpose – once again loudly to admit devotion to the favourite edition.
In ten years there were a lot of things. Repeatedly heads changed, came and journalists left
. People casual, being interrupted in search of a constant place
works met among them. But there were also those who, once having stepped over a threshold of "Messenger", forever became attached to it soul. To
to number of the last, without false modesty, I carry also myself! Today, when mass media
said goodbye to the childhood and entered the adolescence period, I want to declare publicly that the newspaper -
an indivisible part of my soul. I do not know how it will be died where will give its intricate
peripetias, but it is sure only of one – destiny washing it is indivisible it is connected with the city edition! Our strong
the friendship lasts since 2008! How many bright take-off and sad falling were for this long term, how many words are told br, emotions is endured! Looking back, apparently, that this dizzy
history has no beginning and the end …
For the first solid anniversary – decade - began to prepare in good time. In the head long scrolled
the holiday scenario – to celebrate birthday in a close circle or to share pleasure with true
readers. After long discussions stopped on the second option. Passed the decision on court founders of the newspaper. Chapter of Beslan Herman Aslanbekovich Khautov and the head of AMS of Beslan Dzeboev Stanislas
willingly supported the initiative of creative collective. Having secured with support of the top officials of the city,
started preparation. to Admit to br, time for implementation conceived, remained very little, however we could
coordinate the actions and by the planned day to organize everything properly. So, on a calendar on June 29, on hours – 15.00 …
To the Small Hall of Palace of culture by agreed time dear inhabitants of the area began to be flown down.
Among them – heads and the staff of various departments, representatives of public organizations,
colleagues on a feather and faithful readers. In the foyer of a recreation center it was established thematic press voll, the zone decorated with the corresponding attributes is placed photo
: on the table laid by a snow-white cloth, waves
falling on a floor, placed newspaper files, nearby - the ancient printing machine, figure "10",
diligently wrapped up by title pages "Messenger of Beslan". It was right there possible to see

the Bulletin of Beslan