Akims of areas are appointed in the Atyrau and Kostanay regions

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Atyrau. July 3. information agency "Kazakhstan Today" - Akims of areas are appointed in the Atyrau and Kostanay regions, information agency "Kazakhstan Today".

Today chapter Atyrau Region Nurlan Nogaev have presented to deputies of the maslikhat of Zhylyoysky district the new candidacy for post of the akim of the area, instead of Alimukhammed Kuttumuratula who has passed to other work. Beket Azamat who was earlier holding position of the head Administration office physical culture and sport Atyrau Region became the new candidate, have reported in the press service of the akim of the <"region.17">

during representation the head of the region has noted long working life Beket Azamat whose candidacy has been agreed with Administration of the President of RK. Deputies have supported the nomination of the new <"akim.19">
Beket Azamat has graduated from the Kazakh state-legal university (law), Academy of economy and right (finance). Worked in departments on fight against economic and corruption crime on the cities Astana, Almaty, the West Kazakhstan and Almaty Region, rank - the captain of financial police;

In 2013 - 2016 was the head Administration office physical culture and sport Province of West Kazakhstan. From May 11, 2016 to today held position of the head Administration office physical culture and sport Atyrau Region.

meanwhile chapter Kostanay Region Arkhimed Mukhambetov in coordination with deputies of the district maslikhat appointed Amantay Balgarin the akim of Sarykolsky district.
Amantay Balgarin was born
Amantay Balgarin. In different years worked as the head Agriculture department Kostanay Region, the akim of Naurzumsky and Auliyekolsky district, the last work location - the akim of the city of Arkalyk Kostanay Region.