In Inta there take place meetings on a question of liquidation of Intaugol

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In Inta these minutes there takes place the meeting of the minister investments, the industries and transports the region Gerasimov Nicholas and the head of administration of Inta Titovets Larissa with the public.

social activists, directors of schools and state-financed organizations, entrepreneurs participate In a meeting.


Do of it took place a meeting with collective of the mine and local deputies.

At meetings reads information on liquidation of the mine and also on the reasons which forced to make such decision. Details - in the nearest future on a tape information agency "Komiinform".


Napomnim, Board of Directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTAUGOL" made the decision on liquidation of the enterprise. Work of the mine had planned and unprofitable character that repeatedly in recent years resulted it in bankruptcy. The given financial support – more than 2 billion rubles in 2015-2017 – did not allow to bring Intaugol to a steady operating mode because of the increasing noncompetitiveness of products made by it. In particular, with the main consumer of intinsky coal products – Cherepovetskaya GRES PJSC OGK-2 – signed agreement on delivery coal at the price of 570 rubles for ton. At cost value of 970 rubles from each sold ton the mine had a loss in 400 rubles.

As was noted by Gerasimov Nicholas if not to react to a situation, and the mine will continue to work as before, then until the end of the year the most minimum volume of losses of the enterprise will be 480 million rubles. And these resources should be dug up out of activity of the mine. "Therefore Board of Directors, having considered the report of the CEO, supported its offer on a work stop in the mine and liquidation of the enterprise", - he told.

information agency "Komiinform"

Nicholas Nikolaevich Gerasimov
Main activity:Official
Titovets Larissa
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Cherepovetskaya GRES