To streets Dubna came the new harvest equipment

@Vesti Dubny
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the Servicing organization of administration Dubna – MBU "The center of economic service Administration of Dubna of the Moscow region" – purchased three trimmers for a grass mowing on uneven sites and four lawn-mowers.

of a photo Stupin Yegor

For more serious and laborious works now the trimmer delimber is. Such are applied, for example, for arrangement of sections of roads at road <"signs.12">


of a photo Stupin Yegor

the Old equipment served the term: at the beginning of summer at the disposal of employees of MBU there were only three lawn-mowers. Eight new tools will allow to give quicker and more effectively city streets.

we Will remind

lawn-mowers to

of a photo Stupin Yegor, the servicing organization is responsible for territories along roads and sidewalks and also for all "white spots" – sites which are not assigned to one city organization or managing company.