FIFA World Cup matches in Yekaterinburg were visited by 125 thousand audience

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City visitors became fans from all corners of the world

Yekaterinburg ended with

B Yekaterinburg. Fans from all over the world gathered in our beautiful city! Uruguay, Egypt, France, Peru, Japan, Senegal, Sweden, Mexico - a tremendous holiday did not leave the capital of Ural for two weeks! Improbable and fantastic event!

the World map on Yekaterinburg Arena from a match to a match was filled in with multi-colored tags of fans from the most exotic countries: New Zealand, Madagascar, Philippines and others. The geography of fans of soccer strikes imagination!

Bankers and employees "Bankinformsevis" too did not stand aside from such grandiose action!

On a match Egypt-Uruguay the director of agency Danilova Tatyana actively was ill:

- I got on a match thanks to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK". The match seemed to me not really interesting, but the atmosphere, of course, the tremendous. To see such number of foreign fans in Yekaterinburg, to touch their culture and traditions - improbable feelings! Excellent holiday! I watched couple of other matches about stadium with other fans. And these lateral tribunes Yekaterinburg Arena give feeling that you are at stadium, see the screen, see fans, worry together with them. Great! I will support further Russian Federation, but to me the team Spain, and also Belgium is nice also.

Solntsev Maxime, Chairman of the board of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SDM-BANK" (Japan-Senegal):

- I the third time visited Yekaterinburg, and I very much like the city. Besides, I was lucky to join a grandiose holiday - to the World Cup - and to visit a match Japan-Senegal which passed at Yekaterinburg Arena stadium. I was on many sports arenas in the different cities Russian Federation, and to me is to what to compare. And so I consider that stadium in Yekaterinburg - one of the best samples of sports constructions of our country. This fine acquisition for the city. Already now it is possible to call the World Cup extremely saturated and productive, practically each game - bright and beautiful! If to speak about a match Japan-Senegal on which I was, rivalry of teams did not become simple fight for points, and a meeting of two absolutely different cultures that was shown not only in a manner of game of football players, but also in behavior of fans who supported them. Japanese supported the very amicably, harmoniously, but is thus intelligent and quiet. And here Senegalese, on the contrary, were very emotional, bright and noisy.

Ahead of a half-month more of the Championship! But the first two weeks Yekaterinburg will remember well! Thanks to city visitors, thanks to residents!

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