Biography Safina Alsu: about creativity and private life

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Today 35 years of one of the most successful Russian performers — Safina Alsu are executed. She — the daughter of the billionaire — achieved much, but that to it helped: father's money or talent which in time noticed?

of the Photo:

Abramova Alsu (Safina Alsu) was born on June 27, 1983 in Bugulma (Tatar the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic).

Safina Alsu. Photo: website "Instagram". com/alsou_a


Safin' Family: Ralif, Marat, Raziya, Renard, Safina Alsu. Photo:

Safina Alsu and younger brother Renard. Photo:

the Childhood

For the first time thirst for music is shown by

at Safina Alsu at the age of five years — it for the sake of interest sits down at a piano, presses couple of keys, falls in love with this tool and right there asks the father to buy it it. The father agrees but on condition that the daughter will not stop being engaged.

Safina Alsu (13 years). Photo:

B Safina Alsu moves 1992 from Kogalym (Tyumen Region) to Moscow where continues to practise music. In a year — the next moving, to United States of America. Through one and a half — to Copenhagen.

Safina Alsu. Photo:

B Safina Alsu for the first time steps 1993 on the stage — the girlfriend on children's camp to Switzerland persuades her to address contemporaries with known composition Whitney Houston — "I Will Always Love You".

As the actress admits to

, that performance was not pleasant to it, but the public was delighted. In the 1998th, at a wedding of the brother Safina Alsu once again sing this song and is predictable breaks an applause. It is heard by one of guests of a ceremony, decides to help the schoolgirl with creation of career and acquaints it with the known producer Belotserkovsky Valery.

of the Pit and private life

B comes out 1999 the debut clip Safina Alsu, removed on composition "A winter dream".

Apparently to play the young, innocent girl who falls in love with the adult man — based on "Lolita" — Safina Alsu it is necessary to recolour hair in light color. And it definitely was worth it — the clip became superpopular, it still remember and periodically reconsider.

the debut album goes on sale Safina Alsu with the name of the same name on September 15, 1999. In March — the first data: more than 700 thousand its copies are sold for half a year.


B the 2000th singer suggest to present Russian Federation at the international song competition "Eurovision" with "Solo" composition.

as a result, at Safina Alsu the second place. By the way, at that time "silver" was the most outstanding achievement of actors from our country for all history of competition.

In August the 2000th actress signs contracts with Universal Music Corporation studio and starts working over the first album at English.

B of the 2002nd Safina Alsu reports about a fast exit of an album "19" where songs "Yesterday", "All the same" and "First Time" have to enter become already popular in Russian Federation.

Nevertheless, after numerous transfers of release Mercury label nevertheless refused to let out "Inspired".

the wedding Safina Alsu and the businessman Abramova Iana — the chairman of LLC "NOT", the son of the banker Abramov Raphael took place on March 18, 2006.


As were written then by journalists, the ceremony organized in GTsKZ "Russia", was, softly to tell, memorable. The marriage certficate the mayor handed over to the young itself then still Moscow Yury Luzhkov, and parents presented to a new cell of society the country house, expensive jewelry and the car of the <18> Bentleys brand.

Safina Alsu and Yang Abramov. Photo: website "Instagram". com/alsou_a

In six months, in one of clinics of United States of America Safina Alsu gave birth to the first child — the daughter Safina Alsu. To the baby named in memory of a maiden name of mother, after all after a marriage it became Abramova Iana.

Safina Alsu, Mikella and Safina Alsu Abramov. Photo: website "Instagram"

of All at the actress three children — was born on April 20, , called in honor of the grandfather.

Safina Alsu with the husband and two children. Photo: website "Instagram". com/alsou_a

invited 2009 the actress as the leader of the final competitions "Eurovision". Which took place in Moscow. Later it debuted also as the actress — played a role of the maid of honor Marlene in series Druzhinina Svetlana "Secrets of palace revolutions". By the way, for this role Safina Alsu also it was necessary to become almost the blonde.

B 2018 Safina Alsu continue to be engaged in creativity — in March the premiere of its next song "Be Not Silent" took place. The clip came to composition in a month.

As well as the majority of media persons, Safina Alsu it is active on social networks. At it official YouTube-channel (16 thousand subscribers) and Instagram-account (1,8 million subscribers).