The open championship on motorcycle sports took place Kemerovo Region

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The open motorcycle sports championship of the Kemerovo region took place in Guryevsk

of Competition took place around recreation facility of "Milkovo" and Guryevsk were devoted to the 80 anniversary from the date of the basis.

Here gathered teams from Kemerovo Region, Omsk Region and Novosibirsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia, and also guests from Kazakhstan.

On parade of opening there was the president of federation of motorcycle sports Kemerovo Region Tsvenger Kirill, chapter Guryevsky rayon Malyshev Sergei, the chairman of the board of People's Deputies Guryevsky rayon Prosekov Andrey, chapter Salair Eugenie Nikolaevich Yestifeev and other guests of honor. Shubinov Anatoly from Kemerovo, the master of sports of the USSR became the chief judge of races.

Tsvenger Kirill noted that the Guryev route is unique, is always well prepared and is one of the best in Kemerovo Region. The head of the area wished to athletes of accident-free race, adrenaline and positive mood.

of Competition passed in 11 classes: 50, 65, 85, 125, 250, 750, 500 cm cubic (engine displacement), "Veterans 1 group", "Veterans 2nd group", "Fans And", "Fans of B".

Following the results of competitions the greatest number of prize-winning places any more are occupied the first year by athletes from Kemerovo Region. The Guryev motorcycle racers were among leaders also — Khmurov Oleg took the second place in a class of 125 cm a cubic, third place in a class of 750 cm cubic took Cherdantsev Nicholas and Rochev Andrey. The six-year-old athlete from Guryevsk Myakishev Victor became the most young participant of cross-country race.

Winners and prize-winners of motorcycle races are marked out by cups, diplomas and medals.