The inhabitant of Krasnoturansk condemned the neighbor for death of a brood of gooses

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the Inhabitant of the village of Krasnoturansk seized more than 30 000 rubles for the lost brood of gooses. In more detail about it told in the press service of regional vessels.

As specified in the press service, in July, 2017 a dog who lived in the territory of one of the enterprises in the village of Krasnoturansk, ran on the territory of the private estate and suppressed 36 gooses.

"These gooses the hostess of the estate got

at daily age two months before and raised in the shelter fenced with the metal gauze about 1 meter high. Having found the crushed pets, the woman called the police and the veterinarian. Police officers examined a scene and interrogated witnesses, and the employee of veterinary service recorded the fact of death of poultry", — specified in court.


during judicial proceedings it was established that the dog was not office and was not means of protection, security guards built it the open-air cage and supported her on own initiative. In that morning one of security guards of the enterprise during the watch let out a dog from the open-air cage and examined together with her the territory. But at return in a witness mark it did not tire out an animal to the open-air cage, and the dog escaped on the next site through an open gate.

the Court came to a conclusion that in death of geese are guilty both the respondent, and the claimant: the man let out a dog from the open-air cage and left without supervision, and the woman did not close a gate of the estate. Having defined fault of the parties in equal shares, court claimed from the respondent the losses suffered by the claimant in a half size.

as a result in January, 2018 the world judge of a judicial site in Krasnoturansk district decided to collect

from the security guard in favor of the woman of 4 300 rubles of expenses for acquisition of gooses and 22 000 rubles of the missed benefit defined on the basis of market cost of adult geese. Besides, 5 000 rubles of expenses on services were collected from the respondent in favor of the claimant the expert in an assessment of the missed benefit and 1 000 rubles in return of payment of the state tax.

the Respondent disagreed with the solution of vessels the first instance and in the appeal complaint declared that other animals, such as caress, a mink, or other dogs, including the pet of the claimant could lift up geese. But The Krasnoturansk district court of the Krasnoyarsk territory rejected arguments of complaints and in April left the judgment without change, and it entered validity.

the Respondent once again appealed against the judgment, but also Regional court of Krasnoyarsk did not find essential violations and refused transfer of complaints for consideration in a court session of vessels to cassation instance.

we Will remind

, earlier Regional court of Krasnoyarsk upheld the judgment on satisfaction claims the inhabitant Berezovsky rayon which German shepherd stray dogs (see" broke off Court obliged the cynologist to pay 150 thousand rubles for the sheep-dog torn to pieces by vagrant dogs ").