The singer with a fantastic voice told, why leaves to sing on the street in Voronezh

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the Singer with a fantastic voice told

, why leaves to sing on the street in Voronezh

the Street singer who subdued residents of Voronezh the execution of a world hit Zombie of the Irish rock group of The Cranberries, call Pudovkina Angelina, she is 16 years old. The girl studies in teacher training college as the musical teacher, but wants to be transferred to the Voronezh POU GB "VMKR".

the Young vocalist told a portal "MINE! Online" that in the childhood together with a family moved to Voronezh from Kyrgyzstan. Pudovkina Angelina since early years sings.

— When I was small, mother worked hard. That to occupy me with something, she wrote down me on a vocal. Then there was a music school. I play a violin and a piano. Mother at me does not sing. Says that I went to the grandmother — Pudovkina Angelina told.

Pudovkina Angelina. From archive of the singer

On streets Voronezh Pudovkina Angelina sings a photo three months. Together with it two musicians act. According to the girl, she sings not for money, and for pleasure and self-realization. However money which to them are thrown by passersby, suffices and on pocket expenses, and on updating of the musical equipment.

Most often musicians act as

to IOWA group. There are some songs in English though Pudovkina Angelina admits that she should tighten it. The girl loves creativity of the singer of Lana Del Rey and Imagine Dragons group.

Street actors are guided by public and leave in repertoire those songs which accept best of all. The main hit Pudovkina Angelina calls the song "Cuckoo": under it musicians collect most impressive "fee".

Mother of the young vocalist not against her performances on the street and even sometimes itself comes to listen to the daughter.

— It considers that the main thing that it was pleasant to me — Pudovkina Angelina noted.

Pudovkina Angelina with companions on group

In the future Pudovkina Angelina plans to move to Moscow. In the capital the singer dreams to construct solo career or to open vocal school. For now to listen to a local celebrity it is possible and in Voronezh: Pudovkina Angelina with companions plans to act on the street before cold weather approach.

we Will remind

, about the singer to a "fantastic" voice started talking after one of passersby wrote down her performance on video and laid out a roller in a network. On a roller Pudovkina Angelina executed a hit Zombie of the Irish rock group of The Cranberries. Carried out by a portal "MINE! Online" showed poll: the majority of our readers (54%) consider that the Voronezh singer sang better than the original.