The best graduates Kameshkirsky district took part in a regional holiday "Medallist-2018"

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Luchshiye from the best Penza graduates took part in a regional holiday "Medallist-2018". Among them 3 graduates Kameshkirsky district. Medallists Sokolova Albina and Andrey Mikhaylovich Bazhutin study at high school of the village Old Chirchim.
778 excellent students invited To a celebration on Yubileynaya Square from all corners of the province. Similar mass celebration of medallists takes place in Penza the third year in a row.
"Today you became winners. It is huge work, huge work. We are proud of that to Penza Region there is such fine youth", - the head of the region Yvan Aleksandrovich Belozertsev addressed to gathered. Many warm thankful words were heard to the teachers who have prepared graduates.
Specially by a holiday the new anthem of graduates was written to
, and speech of the known Russian rap performer Nathan became a gift for excellent study to the Penza medallists.