Representatives discussed topical issues of civil defense

@Karetnyj rjad
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Representatives discussed topical issues of civil defense. Photo: Management on Tsentralny administrativny Department GOCHSIPB

B MRS., NITA "MISIS" took place planned occupation with representatives on the solution of tasks in the field of civil defense and emergency situations the organizations of Tsentralny administrativny Moscow.

more than 100 experts of GO and an emergency of territorial authorities, the large enterprises and the organizations of Tsentralny administrativny, including officials of justices and State Budgetary Institution Zhilishchnik rayonov.


the gathered were addressed by the chief of UMTS on GO and an emergency of Tsentralny administrativny Dorogin Vladimir. It expressed gratitude to heads of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT", Museums of Moscow Kremlin, FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY), "MISIS", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MGTS , PAO MOEHSK No. 20 and other organizations, whose employees successfully were trained in the Center, having shown thus high level of preparation. Thanks to them, UMTS on GO and an emergency of Tsentralny administrativny take leading positions, among training centers of Moscow.


Fomina Helena who paid attention of representatives to rules of training of listeners in UMTS on GO and an emergency of Tsentralny administrativny Moscow Added its performance the senior teacher of UMTS on GO and an emergency. In particular, she told that reception of listeners on course training in the Center is carried out in day of the beginning of occupations on the basis of the instruction (direction) issued by the organization in duplicate addressed to the listener. On arrival on training the listener is registered, specifies: surname, name, middle name, work place, position. Registration of listeners is carried out in the first day of occupations from 8.30 till 9.00 o'clock.

- Training comes to the end with control occupation in the form of offset which is carried out by teachers of the center. The certificate of passing of course training is issued only to the persons which successfully mastered the appropriate program of training and have passed control occupation, - Fomina Helena noted. – If the listener completed not a full course of training according to the appropriate program or did not master it, to it the certificate of course listening is issued only.

the Deputy chief of Service GOICHS on Tsentralny administrativny Department GOCHSIPB Kuzmichev Sergei acquainted representatives with a state of affairs in the field of protection of the population and territories against an emergency on objects of economy. Also he spoke about characteristic shortcomings which it is necessary to face during carrying out checks and responsibility which is born by heads of the organizations for failures to meet requirements of norms and rules according to the prevention and elimination of emergency situations natural and technogenic character.

the speaker paid Special attention to a question of development and coordination of the Plan of action at emergence of emergency situations, including pointed out various defects when developing plans in some institutions Tsentralny administrativny.

the Deputy chief of department of civil protection of Management on Tsentralny administrativny Head department of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters on Moscow the major internal Chaykin Igor pointed

to relevance of the solution of questions of inventory of protective constructions of civil defense. Namely, to an assessment of protective properties, a state and readiness available in Tsentralny administrativny shelters and shelters, to identification of possibility of the adaptation of basement and other buried rooms and constructions for protection of the population against emergency situations. He told that soon in each justice the inventory commission will be created and a task of representatives is ensuring its access to protective constructions available in the organizations.

Action took place

at high methodical level, caused a keen interest of listeners and numerous questions.

the Following occupation will take place on August 21, 2018.