TOSY of Pomorze celebrated the twentieth anniversary

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The VIII festival
the VIII festival "TOSY of Pomorze" brought together in Vershinino's village more than 70 participants from eight subjects Russian Federation

B 2018 is executed 20 years since the beginning of creation of the territorial public self-government (TPSG) to Arkhangelsk Region.

Progress of TOS of the region, the best practicians of public men from other subjects Russian Federation, and also development the standard and legal base concerning territorial-public self-government, discussed participants of the annual festival "TOSY of Pomorze" in Kenozero National Park.


– a launch pad of developments civil society

the VIII festival "TOSY of Pomorze" brought together in Vershinino's village more than 70 participants from eight subjects Russian Federation.

the Director of the TOS Yudin Zakhary, welcoming participants, noted that today TOSY become a launch pad for developments civil society.

Bodies of territorial public self-government initiate development volunteering, social business in the territories, become base for creation of non-profit organizations.

To Arkhangelsk Region more than one thousand TOSOV


the Head of department of support of public initiatives of Administration Governor Arkhangelsk region and government Arkhangelsk region Shirobokov Aleksey on behalf of the head of the region works congratulated TOSY of Pomorze on the 20 anniversary and wished them further fruitful activity.


— segodnya to Arkhangelsk Region more than one thousand TOSOV works. Among them there are as bright, significant projects which became winners of the All-Russian competitions, and the small initiatives which have become an impulse for revival of villages, associations of neighbors, developments public self-government, – Shirobokov Aleksey noted.

as Bright confirmation of these words are served by the movie "TOSY of Pomorze — 20 Years of Success" which was created specially to a festival.


: how to inhale life to the village

TOS can serve as One more example of developments ten years' experience of interaction with the Kenozero National Park population. to

it was presented by the deputy director for development Federal state-financed institution "National park "Kenozersky" Yakovlev Alexander.

— na an extent of three years Kenozero National Park and Government of Arkhangelsk region hold a seminar "10 steps to the successful project". It passes in the atmosphere of creative search and mutual support, design and planning, cooperation and interaction. On its results the best projects get financial support. In three years of such initiatives it was supported 17, – told Yakovlev Alexander.

Experience of regions – in a moneybox of TOS of Pomorze

the chairman of the board of the city district "City of Naryan-Mar" Olga Petunina. About development TOS in Perm Territory and Solikamsk were told by the chairman of TOS "Oak grove" Shmalts Tatyana.

About association of bodies of territorial public self-government Komi Republic guests and participants of a festival recognized from her executive director Sizev Dimitri.

Friends Arkhangelsk Region from Krasnodar Territory brought on a festival a gift – tubers of different grades of irises which solemnly were put by participants of a festival as a token of friendship Krasnodar Territory and Arkhangelsk Region in the center of the village of Vershinino.

the Exchange of experience and discussion of subjects of development TOS proceeded on round tables and within "an open microphone".

Besides, for all participants of a festival organized excursion on Kenozero National Park.

Press service of the Governor and Government of Arkhangelsk region