Chelyabinsk Region took the 2nd place in a rating on information publicizing of support of business

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Chelyabinsk region took the 2nd place in a rating on information publicizing of support of business
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Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation with expert participation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DELOVAYA SREDA" and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RBK-TV" estimated efficiency of regions in informing of businessmen on opportunities for development businesses and available measures of state support of small and average businesses. On the second line a rating Chelyabinsk Region settled down.

"When forming rating much attention was paid by

to work of regions on creation of infrastructure of promoting of business in social media, on official Internet resources of authorized bodies of the power, and also to coverage of the topic of MSP in mass media. The important instrument of informing are social networks, in particular personal pages of heads of subjects. Communication channels are how well used, showed a rating", - the press service of a federal portal of small and average businesses reports.

we Will add

that a problem of a rating – an assessment of quality of work on illumination of measures of support of small and average businesses and other opportunities for businesses in regions. It will allow to raise level of openness of regional authorities and the organizations which are carrying out support businesses.