The swimming season began

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B Novotroitsk since June 6 opened a swimming season.

we Will remind

that official the beach is in Children's camp rest "Spring" which is intended only for children having a rest there.

Well and the main vacation spots at novotroychan are — the lake Sazan and the area of two bridges.

Nicholas Maksimovich Bezborodov — the head of department of civil protection of City administration, notes that in these reservoirs approaches to water, were checked by the divers who have examined a bottom regarding any unusual foreign objects.

Should not forget

that the youth beach is in the border territory. As well as part of Ural near two bridges. On territories, approach to which it is noted by warning signs it is possible to be, having at itself the special admission and the passport with a local registration. In these places it is impossible to swim away further than to the middle of the river and to cross on other coast. In this case the vacationer becomes a violator and the Russian and Kazakhstan frontier guards can detain him.

Also favourite vacation spots for inhabitants Novotroitsk is a beach to Habarnom and the lake Face.

the Sad mute shows that kazhdy year to the novotroychena perish during rest. Accidents most often happen because of nonsense, imprudence and in an alcohol intoxication.

- Always need to know and observe rules of behavior and a measure of safety on water. It is impossible to bathe in not equipped places. Especially in those places where there are notices "Bathing it is forbidden" — Nicholas Maksimovich Bezborodov told.

Children's camp rest
City administration
Government Agency