The Polish archeologists found in Albania the forgotten city

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the Polish archeologists found in Albania the forgotten city

the Polish archeologists found in Albania the forgotten 2000-year city of Bassany. Fortress probably was destroyed by Romans at the beginning of our era. Still its ruins were considered as natural rocks.

the Forgotten city was unexpectedly found by

in the northwest of Albania, near the modern Shkodër. Bassaniya was described still by the Roman historian Livy Tit in a context of fights of the Roman armies with the last king of Illyria Genty. In May archeologists of the Warsaw university (Poland) found only part of walls and a collar. Open gate were interfaced to two bastions to which powerful defensive walls more than 3 meters wide were conducted. Their external parts are made of stone blocks, and the space between them is filled with small stones and the earth. According to experts, this type of a design is typical for the Hellenistic defensive works. At walls of the city coins and fragments of ceramic vessels of the IV—I centuries were found B.C. that means active life of the city at the time of the Illyrian kingdom which stopped at a turn of the millennia after the Roman invasion.

Researchers also found out that the found city was three times more, than ancient Shkodër — massive stone walls surrounded the area of 20 hectares. Is surprising also that fact that Bassaniya practically is not mentioned in records of the travelers made hundreds years ago. To ruins on the hill long time did not pay attention because the city reminded natural geological structure

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: of M. Lenke/Science in Poland