Courageous loner fishes become leaders of pack

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of Trekhiglaya stickle-back
Lamiot/Wikimedia Commons

At courageous loner fishes is more than chances to become the leader in pack, than at the same courageous individuals, but more accustomed to society similar. The British scientists came to such conclusion, having studied habits of a little small fish of stickle-back. Results of research in scientific journal "Proceedings of the Royal Society B".

of Trekhiglaya stickle-back (Gasterosteus aculeatus) — the smallest (its sizes do not exceed 4 cm) and one of the most widespread fishes in fresh reservoirs United Kingdom. Thanks to her unusual behavior a small fish it becomes frequent object of researches. Koluszki prove and as gregarious fishes, and as individualists. They long can be in group, and then leave it and look for food alone. Scientists from Bristol university studied as individual qualities of stickle-back when it is in pack and out of it change.

At the first stage scientists divided fishes on "sociable" and those who prefers to stand aside from pack. Then researchers estimated as far as both groups of fishes show courage when are in group and alone. As a result authors found out that less sociable, but more courageous fishes become as a result leaders of pack. However more courageous, but sociable stickle-back on the contrary, were conducted in group.

the Conducted research for the first time showed that individual traits of character at social animals are shown differently when they live alone and in group. Stickle-back individualists become leaders, they have more than chances to find food, but at the same time they risk more to get in teeth to a predator. More sociable fishes do not take such risk when appear to group though alone showed considerable courage. Authors consider that results of their research need to be considered when studying behavior of social animals.

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