In China 24 persons suffered at explosion on the gas pipeline

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In Gaizhou occurred large explosion on the gas pipeline.
In China 24 persons suffered at explosion on the gas pipeline

as a result of explosion of gas at least 24 persons suffered. All of them are hospitalized. Three victims are in critical condition, five more — in the heaviest, the others — in heavy.


of the Reason of incident are not established yet.


search and rescue services continue to work At a place of state of emergency.

Leakage of gas happened in the morning in Sunday, June 10, on the gas pipeline of companies PetroChina in the village of Sanhe of the district Qinglong. After explosion the pipe was automatically blocked.

After cotton there was a fire which managed to be extinguished only to 2.30 nights of Monday.

Incident happened on the gas pipeline which already blew up in July, 2017. Then incident led to death of eight people.


: from open sources