The church celebrates on June 9, 2018 8 orthodox holidays

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is noted on June 9 by

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Significant religious events for orthodox Christians: Martyr Belozersky Ferapont, bishop Sardiysky, Saint Belozersky Ferapont, archimandrite and Belozersky Ferapont Monzensky, Finding of relics of Saint Stolobensky Neal

the Multi-day orthodox holiday Petrov a post 2018 <"38 ">

Petrov a post — the summer multi-day post established in honor of memory of two most esteemed apostles – Pyotr and Pavel. Its duration every year the different. It depends on date of celebration of Easter and can make from 8 to 42 days.

Petrov a post, unlike Great, not such strict. During this period also it is impossible to eat meat, dairy products, eggs, but in some days of week fish is allowed. Basis of a fast table greens and dishes make of it (Russian cabbage soup, okroshka, botvinye), grain, berries.

On a church holiday of Christmas of Ioann Predtechi (on July 7) can be eaten fish (irrespective of, for what day of week it drops out).

Saint Belozersky Ferapont and Belozersky Ferapont Monzensky honor on June 9 in orthodox church

on June 9 is day of memory two Saint Ferapontov. The first — the founder of monasteries in Belozersky Ferapont edge and near Mozhaysk where it was built in a dignity of the archimandrite. Years of life: 1337-1426 . The second — the monk of a monastery of Saint Adrian on the river Monze. Had the gift of wonderful creation. Predicted hunger of 1601. Lived till 1597.

Belozersky Ferapont were found by

of Power in 1618. Just when Romanov Filaret returned from the Polish captivity.

Finding of relics of Saint Stolobensky Neal Many years later on the Lake Seliger island where the Saint devotee was active note on June 9, 2018

, the celibate priest Herman and after it holmogorets, the wanderer Boris came. Together they lodged on the island and built the temple in honor of the Epiphany with a side-altar for the sake of Saint blessed Vasily, the Moscow miracle man.


Orshin's Monks of a monastery wrote an icon of Saint Stolobensky Neal, on a place of burial sacred wonderful healings of patients began to be made. Subsequently the prelate Nektary living in a monastery, the archbishop Siberian and Tobolsk, decided to build the stone temple instead of former, wooden. During a laying of the base the earth was showered and imperishable relics of Saint Stolobensky Neal opened. Finding of relics happened on May 27, 1667, celebration Saint in honor of this event was at the same time established.

Orthodox Christians celebrate on June 9, 2018 Svyashchenomuchenik Belozersky Ferapont

the Martyr Belozersky Ferapont, the bishop Sardiysky (the city of Sardis (Sarda) was in maloaziysky area of Lydia), suffered for Christ in the III century. Executing the svyatitelsky service, Saint Belozersky Ferapont educated light of Christian belief and christened many pagans-ellinov. For it it appeared before court the governor Yulian and fearlessly declared itself the Christian bishop. It threw into a dungeon where long time wearied hunger and thirst, then betrayed to cruel tortures, but tortures did not shake a courageous ispovednichestvo of the prelate.

After that tortures of Christ's strastoterpets brought

into limits of the Sataliysky episkopiya submitting to the Sardiysky metropolitanate, and here after long beatings the prelate Belozersky Ferapont finished the martyr feat. Dry stakes to which it was attached sacred, saturated with its blood, gave green sprouts and grew in the big trees which leaves found curative properties and to many people gave fertile healings.

Belozersky Ferapont
Stolobensky Neal
Romanov Filaret
Belozersky Ferapont
Stolobensky Neal