The Azerbaijani technical university will cooperate with Park of high technologies

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on June 8, Fineko/ On June 7 the Azerbaijani technical university and Park of high technologies (LLC "PVT") Ministries of transport, communications and high technologies signed the memorandum of cooperation.

Made a speech at the ceremony which have passed in AZTU of signing the acting as the rector, professor Yakhudov Khalyg noted that development the technological sphere in Azerbaidjan is one of priorities. Having emphasized that cooperation of AZTU and MTCBT will make an essential contribution to development domestic personnel potential, he added that the parties which have signed the memorandum, will take joint strategic steps.

the Head of department of innovative developments information societies and electronic control of MTCBT Azizov Rashad in the performance raised the question integration higher educational institutions and production areas. He noted that the ministry takes today necessary steps for formation of the corresponding ecosystem.

In turn the director of Park of high technologies Tural Kerimli noted that strengthening of personnel potential requires cooperation between higher education institutions and production areas. According to him, PVT conducts system work in this direction.

we Will note

that in the memorandum of the cooperation covering at a preliminary stage the five-year period, such questions, as cooperation found reflection in the innovative scientific and technical sphere, development and implementation of joint projects, implementation of an exchange by scientific and technical information, motivation of young shots, preparation of young startups, according to requirements of the world market of work – the training of specialists, possessing modern thinking and ability to master the advanced technologies.

According to the arrangement, the Park of high technologies will be engaged in determination of technical skills, providing programs of access on the relevant markets, cooperation for educational activity, providing students with necessary resources of park within joint programs and other questions.

In turn the Technical university will help participation of teachers, researchers and students with held local and international events for realization of the purposes and problems of PVT, including scientific and educational projects, conferences, seminars, "round tables" and discussions, to regular providing PVT with manuals (collections, textbooks, etc.) to creation of conditions for carrying out lectures, trainings and meetings of local and foreign experts.

Besides, according to the arrangement, the university also will provide PVT with information on results of the students getting education on the corresponding specialties.

After a signing ceremony representatives of Ministries of transport, communications and high technologies examined the educational laboratories patented by inventions of the Azerbaijani technical university, and also research works of scientists of this higher education institution.

Yakhudov Khalyg
Azizov Rashad
Kerimli Tural
Polytechnic university
Government Agency