The machine works "Beacon" many times increased debts to employees

@MK.RU Tula
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The enterprise which was repeatedly coming into the view of prosecutor's offices because of debts to the employees, again was on control supervisory authority.

Workers LLC "MZ BEACON" that in Kimovsk district Tula Region, addressed in prosecutor's office. Reason of complaints the former: nonpayment of salaries.

This time debt the enterprises exceeded 2 million rubles.


"By results of the carried-out inspection, the interdistrict prosecutor's office to world court in interests of workers sent 45 statements for issue of injunctions on collecting debts on salary for the sum over 2 million 447 thousand rubles which are considered and satisfied now with court", - is spoken in the message of prosecutor's office of Tula region.

Earlier, the interdistrict prosecutor's office already initiated administrative proceedings on plant debts. The last production opened in April of the current year. Then debt before employees made about 1 million rubles.