Andrey Vorobyov summed up the results of May on air of TV channel "360 °"

@Vesti Dubny
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on the Thirty first of May the governor Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov summed up of
the main results of leaving month on air of TV channel "360 °".

Carrying out 2018 FIFA World Cup in Moscow Region

Translation was carried out by

here will take place.

"The championship begins soon

. The first teams come already on June 5. In Moscow Region there are training bases, the main part of time of team will live at us, – Andrey Vorobyov noted. – All nine platforms, equipped with a natural lawn, shower, locker rooms, after the World Cup will work for children and adults. On one of them we, probably, will hold the championship among the cities or villages Moscow Region, can between schools".

Russian Federation will host for the first time the FIFA World Cup, it will pass from June 14 to July 15 at 12 stadiums in 11 cities. To Moscow Region nine national teams will be based. Besides a national team Russian Federation, here will stop teams Portugal, France, Argentina, Iran, Peru, Mexico, Belgium and Governorate of Tunis. According to requirements FIFA for teams are prepared training bases.

"All cities prepare – and Bronnitsy, and Khimki, and Naro-Fominsk, and Istra. All try to make greatest possible, – the governor emphasized. – Preparation for the championship is one more opportunity to arrange well our cities. We have to make everything adequately".

the Head of administration of the city district Istra Dunaev Andrey noted that the municipality is completely ready to reception of foreign guests.

"To guests will be certainly comfortable. In municipality now six thousand places in objects of placement. We it is constant, at the request of the governor, we develop hotel business, we give the maximum privileges to hotels, – Dunaev Andrey told. – Also municipal volunteers who will help city visitors to be guided" are ready to get down to work.

Implementation of the decree of the president in Moscow Region

during air Andrey Vorobyov paid attention to importance of the tasks facing Government of Moscow region.

"All of us want to live in safe, economically strong, pure and healthy region. The health care is that the president allocated in the decree, – the governor emphasized. – These directions are for us strategic".

Andrey Vorobyov added that according to the decree President of the Russian Federation to Moscow Region are conducted work on elimination of the second change at schools.

"We build

from 20 to 27 schools every year. Today the most problem territories are a residential district Grasshoppers in Kotovsk, Ivanteyevka, Pushkinsky rayon. Where the second change was higher than 10%, we build schools first of all, – the governor told. – Our task – to liquidate the second change. We try to build intensively schools in order that children after a dinner were engaged in any open classrooms, general education, sports, creative disciplines".

SNT into Moscow Region

Passing to discussion of the following subject, Andrey Vorobyov paid attention to the number of questions, connected with infrastructure, transport and social security of gardening, ogorodnichesky or country noncommercial associations of citizens.

"At us is the general plan with Moscow – to make the uniform powerful Moscow region. For this purpose we have a program which we realize. I very much count that, including summer residents, will feel our care, – the governor told. – We have means, there is a plan which assumes construction of roads, providing summer residents with power supply, the water, all necessary. In total, somewhere at the level of 5 billion rubles a year according to different programs, we will direct on country farms".

of All in the territory Moscow Region is located br of 11 174 SNT in which lives more than 4 million people. According to the plan a number of actions for improvement of quality and availability of medical care, to improvement of providing summer residents and gardeners by communication networks and Internet, natural gas, the electric power, water is provided.
the Separate attention is paid by br to repair access roads, conducting to SNT. By results of inspection it was established that the majority of them are ownerless and need repair.

For reduction of roads in a standard state developed the plan of measures. In particular, for a possibility of movement public transports expansion of the carriageway to seven meters is provided. Besides, drawing a marking, strengthening of roadsides, replacement of an onboard stone, repair sidewalks is planned.

Development of projects of capital repairs roads, conducting to SNT, are planned to finish until the end of the current year, performance of work will be carried out next year.

B CHT and housing estates trades also are planned to carry out works on improvement and creation of conditions for developments.

"To us need to provide places where each gardener who grows up at itself on a site any fruits, vegetables, berries, had the right to sell them. We agreed about it with summer residents and with inhabitants of our private enterprises, – Andrey Vorobyov reminded. – We need to provide in each municipality special places in the market".

Recultivation of ranges of TBO in Moscow Region

during the telecast was touched by

a subject of recultivation of the closed ranges instead of which it is planned to create modern system of utilization and waste recycling. In particular, it was a question of "Yadrovo's" range in Volokolamsk district.

"We conduct active work on recultivation of ranges which were closed last year and this year. Our strategic task – it is not simple to close dumps, and rekultivirovat them, – Andrey Vorobyov emphasized. – We have this year a big program of improvement for Volokolamsk. Last year we chose Dubna and some more territories on which placed emphasis. This year we allocated half a billion rubles for Volokolamsk – for repair schools, kindergartens, for city improvement, for new sidewalks. I think that inhabitants have to prompt to us as as it is necessary to do first of all. It is sure that our efforts regarding improvement, repairs will be noticeable. And all that disturbed people, will consign to the past once and for all".

on air the scenes shot in the territory of the range of "Kuchino" in the city district Balashikha also were shown to

. Now here the active phase of recultivation is carried out.

"Allocated considerable funds, large-scale works on range recultivation are carried out. Now the active phase began, – the governor told. – Then we will start improvement of the territory of this huge range which got to us in inheritance".

Participation Moscow Region in PMEF-2018

during air the separate attention was paid by

to results of participation of delegation of Government of Moscow region in the XXII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum which took place from May 24 to May 26. On a platform of a forum a number of agreements on implementation of investment projects in the territory Moscow Region was signed.

"The Petersburg forum is the main economic platform where our president acts. It gives us a reference point – where we go, what priorities we have to provide in the work, – the governor emphasized. – We signed agreements which give start of implementation of projects. Means will be invested in our area in order that we built new factories, plants, the enterprises. It gives us that economic power, does us strong and, the most important, new workplaces" are created.

Andrey Vorobyov emphasized with br importance of the system work directed on further improvement of investment climate in the region.

"We is very high in an investment rating, we are included in the top ten regions, though here to us is to what to aspire. We are interested in that Moscow Region became the center of attraction of investments, – the governor told. – We do everything that workplaces were created in Moscow Region that the person could get a high-quality, highly paid, decent job where lives".

by results of the National rating of a condition of investment climate in regions Russian Federation Moscow Region takes the ninth place. The rating is formed Agency strategic initiatives, it considers efforts of the regional authorities on creating favorable conditions for maintaining businesses and reveals the best practicians. Results were presented within the XXII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.