In Chelyabinsk celebrated the 100 anniversary of archival service

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State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
In the South Ural capital the scientific and practical conference "Archive in Society — Society in Archive" devoted to the 100 anniversary of the public archival service Russian Federation took place.

representatives of archival bodies and establishments took part In action Chelyabinsk Region, Ural Federal District, heads of public authorities and local government, historians, researchers, teachers, representatives of public organizations. Plenary session took place in a big hall Legislative assembly of the Chelyabinsk region. On behalf of the governor Boris Dubrovsky participants his deputy Yevdokimov Vadim welcomed : "The profession of the archivist arose many centuries back, and since Petrovsky times received the state importance and importance. In this sense archives – age-mates of statehood. Systemacity came to archival service 100 years ago. I congratulate all archivists Chelyabinsk Region on service anniversary! "

reports at plenary session made the chairman of scientific and methodical council of archival establishments of Ural Federal District, the chief of Administration office archives Sverdlovsk region Kapustin Alexander; doctor of historical sciences, professor FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY Sibiryakov Igor; doctor of historical sciences, associate professor of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA Lyudmila Masur; director of the Chelyabinsk branch THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII", doctor of political sciences Zyryanov Sergei, chairman Committee on Archives of the Orenburg region, candidate of historical sciences Ruby Vladimir. Though all performances also were devoted to one subject – the documentary historical memory, however each speaker in own way considered this concept, thereby having given an impetus to discussion emergence. For example, the electronic image of the document – whether archival documents should be digitized everything? – as it to correlate a free access to documentary materials of archive and technical capabilities of archival establishments? How the archive role in modern sociocultural space and what perception of archive society changes? Whether to publish archival documents which can change a traditional view of historical process? How to use similar opening in interests of the state and society? Many debatable questions were answered by one of the most skilled and oldest heads of archival services Russian Federation Kapustin Alexander.

State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region
State committee on affairs of archives of Chelyabinsk region
Source: State board for archives Chelyabinsk region

Discussion of problems of historical memory proceeded on sections and at a round table which took place on squares of the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library. Within conference cooperation agreement signing between the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library and the Joint state archive Chelyabinsk Region took place.

"Preservation of a cultural heritage and creation of a common information space became the main objectives of libraries, archives and the museums at the present stage. It is possible to execute them only thanks to the joint design activity of our establishments promoting expansion of substantial borders of promotional, educational and research work, increase of image and demand strengthening among inhabitants of area" , Natalya Diskaya , the director of library noted Diskaya Natalia

After signing of the agreement of South Ural residents are waited by a set of new interesting projects. As the administration of Public library notes, now establishments look for a common ground in aspects of bibliographic, linguistic, source study activity, in questions of creation and distribution of new unique local history resources.

"GKUK CHOUNB has a wide experience on creation of the original electronic resources devoted to various subjects stories of South Ural, a place and a role of South Ural in the history of the country. All of them are available to a wide range of virtual readers on our portal" , – Natalya Sitnikova , the deputy director of Public library told Sitnikova Natalia

as a result of joint projects and association of opportunities of archive and library there is development each participating establishment, and also formation of uniform information resources. Cooperation raises a significance value for users and availability of collections of documents of each of them. As the library administration, in prospects of further cooperation – attraction of bigger number of visitors and increase in interest to regional culture and history notes.