The addict "mined" the building of the Office of the Federal Migration Service to Stavropol Territory

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Zhitel Zelenokumsk got real penal for the untrue report on a mining and some other crimes, reports Investigative management of SKR across Stavropol Territory.

Zelenokumsk district district court Stavropol territory pronounced a sentence to the inhabitant of Zelenokumsk. The man accused on a number of articles, including of the untrue report on a mining, a drug trafficking and illegal penetration into the dwelling.

in the Fall of 2015 the man called

from the payphone in local department of police and reported that in the building of migratory service dynamite is put. Office evacuated and checked, but explosives there did not find.

Soon the joker detained. It became clear that anonymous calls – only part of its criminal biography. The man convicted of 10 episodes of production and storages of drugs for own use, and also of penetration into others dwelling.

"To the defendant appointed punishment in the form of 4 years 6 months of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony of a high security", - reported in the press service of vessels.