Andrey Tarasenko met participants of youth Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory

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One of the considered questions – development seaside KVN

of the Acting the governor Primorsky Territory Andrey Tarasenko took part in meeting of youth parliamentary assembly at Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory on Monday, May 28.

Andrey Tarasenko thanked activists for unindifference and desire to change edge to the best.


"I am pleased by political activity of our youth. It is important that your ideas absolutely real and therefore are demanded. From youth assembly very efficient offers on changes in acts, according to new projects and support of federal actions" arrive, – the head of the region noted, having added that such youth – pride Primorsky Territory.

Andrey Tarasenko also focused attention that in a priority of the authorities of all levels to keep youth in the region, to give the chance to children for self-realization.

"I very much want

that our youth remained in Primorsky Territory – to live, work, get valuable experience, to build career, to establish families, to raise children. At our edge very good prospects. It is sure, with your energy we will be able to achieve still bigger", – the head of the region emphasized.

For active participation in implementation of the federal project "Every day I am proud of

of Russian Federation! " and a contribution to development youth parliamentarism Andrey Tarasenko handed over to Gratitude of the Governor Primorsky Territory to the chief specialist of department of work with children and youth of management of national educations Administration Horolsky municipal area Vlasenko Alena and to the teacher of history and natural sciences of Spassky branch "Vladivostok Basic Medical College" Musatova Inna.

we Will note

, for all day on May 28 representatives of youth public organizations, students and cadets, young parliamentarians participated in sections in several directions. It "Support of activity of student's groups", "Mass KVN: realities, problems, prospects", "Youth business", "Development TOS institute in municipalities Primorsky Territory and participation of youth in it", "Information security minors". The gathered at plenary session of youth parliamentary Assembly Primorsky Territory summed up the results of sections.

One of the considered questions – development seaside KVN. Earlier the head of the region initiated carrying out "the Cup of the Governor Primorsky Territory" among high school teams. According to Andrey Tarasenko, it will allow to raise level of players and to give the chance to regional commands to prove to be on a big scene.

Young parliamentarians also supported this idea, having noted that movement "cheerful and resourceful" really needs support and attention of the regional authorities.

"We already develop the provision on carrying out this action. It is sure that it will help to take to us a confident step forward", – the director of Seaside league of the KVN International Union Aponyuk Yvan noted.

we Will remind

, at the request of Andrey Tarasenko "Cup" will be held in the International day of KVN, on November 8. Winners will get a grant on development the team, and the most talented students will be marked out by jury. It is planned that action becomes annual.