In one of hospitals Moscow Region ostentatious anti-terrorist training is carried out

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In one of hospitals of the Moscow region ostentatious anti-terrorist training is carried out.

V Krasnogorsk ostentatious anti-terrorist training on working off of actions of the management and the personnel GBUZ MO NO. 1 KGB is carried out at threat of commission and at commission of an act of terrorism, to improvement of interaction of governing bodies, forces and the funds raised for elimination and (or) minimization of consequences of an act of terrorism.

Action passed according to the plan of work of the Anti-terrorist commission Moscow Region with participation of representatives Chief Department of Regional Security of the Moscow region, Ministry of health of Moscow region, administrations of the city district Krasnogorsk, heads and deputy heads of healthcare institutions Moscow Region, and also forces and means of Head Department ROSGVARDIYA on Moscow Region, department of internal affairs Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Moscow region, the Krasnogorsk territorial administration of forces and means of Public institution MO "Mosoblpozhspas", STATE PUBLIC HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION MO TTSMK, the personnel of the Krasnogorsk city hospital No. 1.<"23>"

during training were fulfilled by

questions of the notification of emergency services, the organizations of evacuation of victims and mine clearing of explosives. The questions provided by the plan of training, are executed in full.

we Will note

that similar practical anti-terrorist trainings are carried out to Moscow Region by education , cultures, sports, trades, places of mass stay of citizens.