In Gorno-Altaysk passed a meeting school for volunteers

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In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers

In the past weekend, with support the Gorno-Altaysk teacher training college , Hand of the Help <24> Charity foundation, the volunteer association " Group of the help ", Management of culture, sports and youth policy of administration Gorno-Altaysk passed a meeting school of volunteers organizers "Agency of Good Deeds" in respublika Altay .

for two days more than forty participants from various volunteer associations, under the leadership of skilled experts comprehended skills of organization of events and volunteer activity.

At action opening before gathered, the organizer of a meeting school, the head of volunteer movement "Agency of Good Deeds" as Kudryavtsev Vladimir acted. He told that this year the organization notes two years from the date of educations and during this time by its participants was carried out about one hundred actions of different character: from collecting things before rendering the volunteer help on city and republican events, and the organization totals about 60 active and constant volunteers aged from 14 till 45 years.

"Friends, first of all, allow to thank all who came today to a meeting school, especially it would be desirable to mark out those who arrived from other areas. I hope that for these two days we will acquire new big baggage of knowledge which we will be able to use in the work", - Kudryavtsev Vladimir told.

the Program of a meeting school was very saturated and included courses where participants could learn: as it is correct to organize and hold event, master classes for information maintenance, creative skill, psychological trainings, motivational occupations and many other things.

Very interesting knowledge and skills remarkable experts shared

: the psychologist of office for children with heavy violations of developments the Republican house boarding school for aged and disabled people No. 3 Korchagina Helena , the actor National drama theater of P. V. Kuchiyak , the graduate of VTU of M. S. Shchepkin Unatov Aydar , the head of executive committee regional office of WATERS "Volunteers of the Victory" Fefelov Vadim , the head Charity fund "Ruka pomoshchi" in Gorno-Altaysk Savina Olesya , the social teacher the Youth center of Gorno-Altaysk Erkelya Bekova , the expert Municipal state institution NGO "Centre molodezhnoy politiki", military patriotic education and preconscription training of citizens in respublika Altay Tongurov Vitaly .

All these two days the separate attention was paid by

to training in skills of design. Participants of a meeting school were told where to submit applications according to projects where to take information on carried-out grants as it is correct to make necessary documents and to that it is required to pay special attention. The design direction "Team of the future or new opportunities" and "I change the world" experts the director the development Center civil society respublika Altay "Integra" entered Sviderskikh Marina , and the consultant Managements of culture, sports and youth policy of Gorno-Altaysk Khabarova Angelica .

Within a meeting school there passed a round table "Volunteers without borders: prospects of developments volunteering in respublika Altay" where heads of volunteer and public organizations told about the activity, plans, actions for the future. Also told children where they can take part in quality of volunteers. Among the invited guests were: the coordinator of ROSSIYSKOYE DVIZHENIYE SHKOLNIKOV in respublika Altay Almadakova Ian , the area manager "volunteering" of Anna Maria charity foundation Tatyana Kartoshova , the expert Municipal state institution NGO "Centre molodezhnoy politiki" respublika Altay Rubtsova Olga and others.

After carrying out occupations participants received certificates on school passing, and those who most actively proved, received a rank of the excellent student and the master. To children who managed to prove in volunteer actions for these two years, nominal t-shirts "Agencies of Good Deeds" were handed over, and experts received small gifts from companies " Parfum CIEL ".

Organizers thank Regional branch office parties "Yedinaya Russia" Altai Republic for the financial help in carrying out a meeting school for volunteers.

In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
In the city of Gorno-Altaisk passed a meeting school for volunteers
Kudryavtsev Vladimir
Korchagina Helena
Unatov Aydar
Savina Olesya
Tongurov Vitaly