In hospital – amicable ranks

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In Krai government-owned publicly funded health care institution "Chuguyevskaya central repair base" found a solution of the problem of availability of the out-patient and polyclinic help for inhabitants of remote territories. Experts of LPU will spend "Day of the village". The similar organization of rendering medical care became possible with assistance of local administration. The leaders of the area twice a month according to the approved schedule will deliver patients in policlinic, and after – to bring back. It will allow to lower percent of the started chronic illnesses, and also will give the chance to reveal socially significant diseases at an early stage.

the Chuguyevsky region of one most extended in all Primorsky Territory (more than 330 km), some settlements are removed from the regional center almost on 100 km, and the road message with them – soil is expensive through a taiga. It, in particular, Beryozovka, Treasured, Lesogorye, Bear Kut, but there live people who too need medical care. Other villages - such as Bottom Luzhki, Antonovk or Noisy, though are located lengthways federal highways, but also in them the population has difficulties – the passable bus arrives to Chuguyevka closer by a dinner, and to the specialist doctor already difficult to get – turn, and reception of analyses in kliniko-diagnostic laboratory is finished. No, of course, the SMP carriage will come tearing along at any time, in any weather and on any off road terrain, but even the ambulance will not be able to replace out-patient and polyclinic or diagnostic.

the Solution of this problem arose by itself, during working visit of the head of the Chuguyevsky area Demenev Roman on territory settlements, he suggested to organize in TsRB "Days of the Village". The head of hospital supported the initiative.

- the Solution of the problem of availability of all types of medical care for each inhabitant of the area will allow us to minimize quantity of the started cases of chronic diseases when people self-medicate, or at all it do not receive, without having opportunity to consult with the attending physician. And now, considering personnel hunger (not in each village there is the paramedic giving pre-medical medical help), it especially is important. Moreover, we will be able to realize in a bigger measure the social and medical direction of our activity, regarding early identification of socially significant diseases, such as tuberculosis, - the doctor commented to VladMedicina.ruglavny portal on Krai government-owned publicly funded health care institution "Chuguyevskaya central repair base" Raksin Mikhail .

I do not know br, whether there is in other municipal areas Primorsky Territory "Days of the village", but for all the time of existence of Chuguyevsky TsRB of the similar organization of availability of medical care yet was not. Outpatient appointment of inhabitants of villages will be conducted by the local therapist, according to the approved schedule, on preliminary record. That is the doctor even before arrival of patients will be able to determine by a medical record: whether long ago the person was on reception, passed fluorographic inspection, whether there are chronic diseases.
Narrow experts inhabitants of villages in the appointed day will be accepted by
out of the general turn. Medics will use the best efforts that the patients who have arrived to them in "Day of the village", could receive all medical care necessary for them. It will be similarly organized reception and little patients.
It is important for br that in order that the organization "Days of the village" became possible, the schedule public transports was not changed. Transportation of the people who have registered in an appointment, Administration of the municipal district of Chuguyevsk organized. It is a remarkable example of how local authorities do not withdraw from the solution of medical problems in the territory, motivating with that health care bodies a few years ago turned into regional submission.

First "Days of the village" will pass in Chuguyevskoytsrb for inhabitants of the village of Koksharovk already on June 4. The subsequent schedule is approved until the end of the current year. Out-patient and polyclinic reception will be carried out two times a month according to the schedule - on the first and third Monday of every month. Some of villagers, discussing this news, remember Soviet period when the question how to reach from the village to the doctor in the regional center was not discussed at all.