Business of the ex-minister Arkhangelsk Region Averin Sergei: who and for what will go the engine? Averin Sergei, be not silent …

@Eho Severa
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Byvshego from Arkhangelsk — the minister of economic developments Government of Arkhangelsk region Averin Sergei — the son of the ex-chairman of regional vessels will judge the official under economic article.

And in Saint Petersburg. It became known after intervention of the Supreme vessels. Averin Sergei is forcibly brought from under jurisdiction of the influential father.

About these and other circumstances reported to online newspaper "".

Investigation on Averin Sergei to the Jr. finished by December, 2017, business was subject to consideration by Oktyabrsky district district court goroda Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk region. The deputy general prosecutor Grin Victor. It sent to the Supreme court the petition for change of territorial jurisdiction.

Completely a material here …

Government of Arkhangelsk region and Administration of the municipal entity Kargopol municipal district sewer treatment facilities on 700 m3/d signed the municipal contract on building of object under the name ". and the chief collector in the city Kargopol" for 167 216 690,00 rubles.

It that officially. Not officially, actually, the situation was approximately is as follows: according to the secret obligation — the seyfovy agreement, the contractor the firm Averin Sergei "Businesstroy" had to donate some tens apartments to veterans of BOB.<"37>"

Averin Sergei the obligation fulfilled.

Why so all complicated

? Why at once was not to sign separately contract on the collector, separately on houses?

Then need nykat one obligation in another would disappear and to conclude two agreements — one officially, another on concepts.

Trouble in that, allocated for construction and acquisition of apartments money was, very possibly, is stolen earlier. Otherwise how to understand that finance, assigned on construction of houses, were mastered completely, and houses are not completed.

the Situation was at all in the public eye, as well as unfinished houses. There was an embarrassment, and the situation became intense. That were still times of the governor Mikhalchuk.

A here already times of the present governor and his team. Contract was signed in 2012, and executed in the 2014th year.

Now we will remember the formulation according to which Averin Sergei got …

It it is accused that submitted to the customer fictitious documents on the performed works and the incurred expenses, thereby having stolen more than 73 million rubles from regional budgets which allocated to municipal education financing according to the target program of development a water management complex.

That is, Averin Sergei simply fulfilled obligations as data officially, and data not officially. As a result the official part grew thin for 73 million rubles — it that it was necessary to spend not for a collector, and for houses. On the collector — more than 80 millions.

It is initially clear to

that the collector in Kargopol it not 167 million. But the price overstated to include there houses.

Averin Sergei Will get out, or will not get out — it is a question second. With the power it is profitable to play, but it is dangerous. Approximately, how to get to play cards with sharpers. Averin Sergei was stuck and most likely not because naive, but because avidity — the sin inherent mortal.

the Question in, whether will begin to be silent Averin Sergei — the son of the ex-chairman of regional vessels, the ex-minister, the ex-known manager. Whether he is ready to sit down at all and at all this mess — that is, to arrive as Joan of Arc. Or will relate to an investigation and court all truth.

A of a surname will be loud. The minister of energy industry and Household management company was present chapter Arkhangelsk. Minister of construction present deputy governor. Head of the area Mr. Trusov.

Alsufyev — the present deputy governor Supervised a subject of infrastructure developments. The financial block — the memorable Grishkov removed from the present Government to Moscow, exactly, when investigation reached apogee. Incidentally?

Questions to all. After all not ruble snatched. 73 million. And to cover thieves' affairs of times of Mikhalchuk also the scheme stirred up.